Characteristics of electronic invoicing in Romania

The law requires the mandatory issuance and reception of electronic invoices through the RO E-Invoice system, the centralized e-Invoicing platform. 

Regarding the reception of invoices, starting from July 2024, the only valid format will be electronic, and sanctions can be applied to both the sender and the receiver.

Tax Authority

Tax Authority

Agentia Nationala de Administrare Fiscala (ANAF)

Fiscal control

Fiscal control

The Ministry of Finance applies its electronic signature after validating each invoice.



B2G e-invoice: mandatory as of July 1, 2022.


B2B e-invoice: mandatory as of January 1, 2024.


B2C e-invoice: mandatory as of January 1, 2025.

Administrative procedures required

Administrative procedures required

Currently, to use the RO e-Invoice platform, both the issuer and the recipient of the invoices must be registered in it. Taxpayers with the obligation to process their invoices in RO E-Factura will have to use the system regardless of whether the recipients (receivers) are registered.

Invoice format

Invoice format

UBL 2.1

Electronic signature

Electronic signature

Not mandatory



The platform stores electronic invoices for 60 days. Both the sender and receiver are obliged to store their issued and received invoices for at least 10 years. 

Need more information on electronic invoicing in Romania?

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Resources related to electronic invoicing in Romania

Access the best content on electronic invoicing and VAT compliance.

Related news about e-invoices in Romania

Romania: mandatory B2B and B2C e-invoicing

B2B e-invoicing is mandatory as of January 1, 2024, and B2C e-invoicing will be mandatory starting January 2025

Germany: B2G e-Invoicing in the German Federal States

Status of B2G e-invoicing implementation in the German federal states

Romania: RO e-Transport System for Freight Transportation

Starting on July 1st, 2024, the obligation of RO e-Transport for all international transports will be mandated
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EDICOM Group will use the personal data collected to answer questions/or manage the services requested. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, restriction and portability of your data in accordance with the provisions in the Privacy Policy.

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