Tax Authority
Serbian Ministry of Finance
The Serbian Ministry of Finance is the body responsible for the implementation of electronic invoicing in the country. In accordance with the Law of Electronic Invoicing (RS 44/2021, 129/2021), the electronic invoice will be developed gradually. The Serbia government will use a national platform named eFaktura in order to manage the exchange of electronic invoices.
Serbian Ministry of Finance
There are three implementation phases:
May 1, 2022: All public administration suppliers must send invoices electronically and authorities must be able to receive and store them.
July 1, 2022: Serbian public bodies are obligated to send electronic invoices to companies, which must be able to receive and process them.
January 1, 2023: e-invoicing will be extended to the entire B2B sector.
The eFaktura platform validates the the documents before sending them to the recipient
In order to use the eFaktura system, the taxpayer must first register in the portal and must be authenticated by means of a qualified electronic signature.
UBL 2.1.
Not Mandatory
B2G documents must be stored permanentely. In the case of B2B documents, they must be stored for 11 years.
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EDICOM Group will use the personal data collected to answer questions/or manage the services requested. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, restriction and portability of your data in accordance with the provisions in the Privacy Policy.