Characteristics of the electronic invoice in Italy

The electronic invoicing system in Italy is called the SDI. It is the beacon of electronic invoicing in Europe, being the first country in the Union to have implemented its mass use for B2B and B2G transactions before the implementation of the European Directive 2014/55/EU which established mandatory e-invoice reception for public administrations. The electronic invoice has been mandatory for public administrations under the Fattura PA model since 2014 and became mandatory for B2B transactions. In the public health sector there also exists an additional flow regulating electronic orders through the NSO. 



It is mandatory for public administrations and private companies. 

Required Administrative Transactions

Required Administrative Transactions

It is necessary to register the reception method for the reception of the B2B invoice. The Codice Destinatario enables the identification of the communication channel between the SdI and the recipient.  



FatturaPA (XML).

Digital Signature

Digital Signature

The invoice issuance process directed to public administrations can include a qualified digital signature from a secure invoice generation device. The digital signature is not mandatory for B2B transactions. 



The archiving of documents requires additional projects like the digital signature and the time stamp following the requirements in the Conservazione Sostitutiva law.

Do you need to know more about e-Invoicing in Italy?

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Common questions

Companies must assess if their management system and administrative procedures are ready to adapt to the issuance of electronic invoices to the SdI. Companies need a technology supplier that can integrate with their ERP to convert data into the requires structured formats. 

EDICOM can integrate with all major ERPs in the market (SAP, Microsoft, Dynamics, Sage, etc.) and can adapt itself to process data and covert it to the format required by the recipient. Our solution is cloud based and does not require any local installation for clients. All maintenance and infrastructure updates are performed by our specialized teams. 

Companies that already Exchange electronic data with their commercial partners or with public administrations use files with a structure agreed to by both parties. In Italy the introduction of the Fattura B2B has regulated these exchanges in favor of a precise XML format, which usually differs from the many formats already used by companies.

In these scenarios it is important to assess the information required by the SdI to adapt to the new format. We can also assess your current PDF format to send it to final clients along with the regulated XML. 

EDICOM can perform this assessment and prepare the structured message to guarantee compliance with the SdI mandated format and also consider any additional information requested by your trading partners.

According to European legislation and the new eIDAS regulation that regulates electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market, electronic invoices must be digitally signed and accompanied by a time stamp to guarantee their authenticity and non-repudiation. 

As a supplier of qualified trust services EDICOM can offer both certified services according to the eIDAS European Regulation about trust mechanisms for electronic transactions. 

Once converted to the correct format and digitally signed and time stamped companies must send the document to the SdI using a secure channel. The Exchange system has defined entry and exit channels for B2B invoices which can be accessed through the EDICOM platform. 

A secure communication channel is created Through EDICOM’s Public Administration HUB to the SdI with a communication protocol. Our PA HUB also makes it possible to Connect with any public body inside and outside the European Union. 

To facilitate the management of invoices a notification flow has been created that gives issuers better visibility to the invoice status. The SdI issues a first notification regarding the conformity of the invoice.

To guarantee the more efficient and agile management of invoices the EDICOM platform performs a syntactic validation before sending invoices to the SdI, informing our clients of any issues at the field or digital signature level.  

Our HUB also receives the status notifications issued by the SdI and by recipients to the SdI. 

With EDICOM’s solution all received notifications can be integrated automatically to your ERP. If your ERP is not ready to integrate the notifications EDICOM’s platform also includes a web portal that acts as a user friendly interface to manage your invoices.

Companies that issue and recieve electroniv invoices must archive these documents for a mínimum of 5 years. The Archiving must be conducted according to the the "Archiving Electrónico" specifictions which requires the signature and time stamp to be applied on archived documents to guarantee their authenticity.

EDICOM provide’s its clients with a certified long term archiving solution called EDICOMLta. Clients can archive all invoices with their respective reception notification from the SdI for the required time. Through the eIDAS certification EDICOM guarantees the integrity of electronic documents stored in its solution for an extended period using digital signatures and time stamps.  EDICOM is a qualified trust service provider and gives legal and judicial value to documents, giving it the responsibility of providing legal proof that the document has not been tampered according to European Law. 

The Exchange of B2B invoices in Italy will have a considerable impact on all Italian companies, particularly when it comes to their issuance. However, it is important to remember that invoice reception and integration is a major part of the flow. Therefore, it is important to use a solution that can facilitate integrations of sent and received invoices. 

EDICOM provides solutions that facilitate the issuance and reception of electronic invoices through integrations with ERPs. EDICOM’s integrated solutions help you optimize your accounting by integrating all the data you need automatically for accounts payables and receivables, while guaranteeing the authenticity of that data through the verification of digital signatures on received invoices.

Related resources

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