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Everything you need to know about EDI
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) technnology expedites and flexibilizes relations between commercial partners regardless of size, nationality or line of business.
Broaden your knowledge of electronic data interchange at our Learning Center.
What is it? What are the benefits? How does it work? All of these questions are answered on the following pages.
What is EDI?
Get started with our articles dedicated to the basic concepts of EDI. We answer the most common questions a newcomer to the world of EDI could have and show you how this technology impacts your management.
The Benefits of EDI
Companies can benefit from EDI in mulitple ways, mostly related to operating efficiency and internal business management.
EDI Solutions
EDI projects are undertaken by a variety of companies, each one with its own particular characteristics and requirements. From small companies to multinational corporations, there is a solution for every one of them.
Commercial partners and distributors
We are a leading provider of technological solutions in Europe for some of the world's leading retailers. We guarantee connectivity with any provider that needs to integrate with the key distributors anywhere in the world.
EDI Standards
Get detailed information on the different EDI standards, some of them specially developed for certain sectors and others that are widely used in certain regions of the world.
EDI Protocols
Due to the critical nature of the documents exchanged by EDI, the communication channels must be secure and suitable for the types of messages directly integrated into the information systems.
GS1 International
EDICOM is a member of GS1, an organization that promotes the use of standards to simplify and automate commercial communications and logistics between the partners in commercial relationships. What are the standards it promotes?
Find information about European Regulation 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market.
PEPPOL is a set of specifications designed to standardize the procurement process between companies and government agencies.
More about EDI and e-Invoicing
Read our articles on EDI, cross-border e-Invoicing, e-Tax compliance, supply chain management, etc. Download our white books, e-books, flyers, success cases and many other materials free of charge.
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