Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)
A 13-digit code that identifies product units destined for a point of sale.
What is a GTIN-13 code?
The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or EAN-13 is a 13-digit code that identifies product units destined for a point of sale. It allows an item to be quickly recognized in a unique, global, and unambiguous way at a point in the logistics chain and thus to take inventory or consult its associated characteristics.
A GTIN code can be accompanied by a graphical representation: a barcode. This unique code enables all of a company's business partners to identify its products and item communications easily. A request must be made to a GS1 association to obtain a GTIN code and its corresponding barcode.
Benefits of GTIN-13 Use
Item traceability and tracking
Unequivocal product identification
Inventory and stock control
Access to accurate item information
International nature of the classification, regardless of market and sector
What is GTIN-14?
There is a variant of the 14-digit GTIN code, the GTIN-14.
This code is used to identify unit groupings such as boxes or packages. It facilitates data collection in the delivery, reception, storage, and transportation of goods processes. The graphic representation of GTIN-14 is called ITF-14.
Benefits of GTIN-14 Use
Control of finished product and raw material inventories
Fewer dispatch errors
Control of warehouse and distribution processes
Minimizes costs by using an international standard
By using a standardized identification process for both products and packaging units, commercial transactions can be carried out efficiently via EDI.
Streamlined information capture with lower error margins
What is a GS1-128 code?
A GS1-128 barcode is used to manage information of logistic units. It is a code that identifies shipping units and cannot be read at the point of sale. It allows you to add characteristics and relevant information to products or product groupings. The GS1-128 barcode is used in warehouse environments to ensure proper traceability and tracking of merchandise.
With the GS1-128 code, a logistics label can be constructed to contain company information, readable lot, and barcode data.
GS1-128 Uses
Capture the main characteristics associated with logistic and commercial units.
Ensuring tracking and traceability throughout the supply chain
Operational efficiency in warehouses and with logistics operators
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