Document Integrity with a Qualified Electronic Time Stamping Authority
EDICOM offers Qualified Electronic Time Stamping services as a Time Stamp Authority and an eIDAS Qualified Trust Service Provider.

What is Qualified Electronic Time Stamping?
Time Stamping can prove that a data series has existed and not been altered since a specific point in time.
The are multiple applications of qualified electronic time stamping. It is used in certified digitalization of invoices, archiving of all types of electronic documents, and any process in which it is key to "certify" that certain electronic data existed at a given moment in time in the form in which it was presented to the Time Stamping Authority.
A Qualified Trust Service Provider such as EDICOM acts as a trusted third-party attesting to the existence of such electronic data at a specific date and time. It is a mechanism that applies to many electronic documents such as invoices, orders, commercial transactions, and financial accounting records.
The eIDAS Regulation states that a Qualified Electronic Time Stamp must meet these requirements:

Bind the date and time to the data in such a way as to reasonably preclude the possibility of the data being changed undetectably.

International Standard
Be based on an accurate time source linked to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

eIDAS Legality
Be signed with an advanced e-Signature or sealed with an advanced electronic seal of the Qualified Trust Service Provider or any other equivalent method.
Qualified Electronic Time Stamp Application Procedure
Summary or HASH
The client obtains the document's "summary," "fingerprint," or HASH, and makes a time-stamping request according to the RFC3161 protocol. If the client does not have an environment on the EDICOM B2B platform, the request can be made by sending the document via Web Service Communications.
Qualified Electronic Time Stamp
Once the message (with the document's HASH) has been received in the service, the qualified electronic time stamp is applied. For this purpose, the service has a time source synchronized with the Universal Time Scale (UTC).
The EDICOM signature is added as Time Stamping Authority, as well as its certification.
The signed qualified electronic time stamp is returned to the client. At this point, EDICOM offers its document backup service for archiving originals on high-availability platforms.
Apply a Legal Layer to Your Electronic Transactions
Utilizing a Qualified Electronic Time Stamp, the Qualified Trust Service Provider certifies that certain data has existed since a specific date and time.
Qualified Electronic Time Stamp Benefits
The are multiple applications of the qualified electronic time stamp. It is used in certified invoice scanning processes, archiving all electronic documents, and any process in which it is key to "certify" that certain electronic data existed at a given time in the form in which it was presented to the Time Stamping Authority.
A Cloud Platform for Sending and Signing Documents
Simplify and streamline electronic document signing with a cloud solution compliant with eIDAS security and integrity regulations.
The e-Signature guarantees the source's authenticity, i.e., the identity of the document owner. EDICOM is certified as a Qualified Trust Service Provider and accredited to offer the certified e-Signature service.
Long-Term Electronic Archiving Solution
EDICOMLta (EDICOM Long-Term Archiving) is the Certified Long-Term Electronic Archiving system offered by EDICOM as a Qualified Trust Service Provider. Our system is designed in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation, the maximum regulation on electronic archiving in Europe.
The service applies to all archived documents and data using various identification methods, digital signatures, and qualified electronic time stamps in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation to guarantee the integrity and authenticity of the files over time.
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