Are you ready for Digital VAT Reporting?

Simplify your electronic tax declaration processes with our International Compliance Platform

SAF-T Solution

We carry out the adaptations needed to comply with the Standard Audit File for Tax in the countries that are mandatory. 

Tax & VAT Compliance

We take care of your tax obligations by helping your company to file electronically in different countries.

Public Administrations HUB

Connectivity with all European public administrations (Spain, Poland, Hungary, The United Kingdom...).

International VAT Compliance Platform

We automate your tax returns in those countries that require processing by telematic means. 

Improvements in the control of collection and fraud, time reduction, and automation of part of the control and supervision processes have led the tax authorities of countless countries to adopt these technologies.

We keep our communications platform consistently updated according to the requirements of each country. This facilitates compliance with your obligations wherever your company operates.

Does your company operate in one or more countries that require these processes for digital VAT reporting?
Find out how we can help you to streamline this operation. 


Continuous Knowledge Management

Continuous Knowledge Management

We maintain permanent lines of communication with the tax authorities to share our knowledge of technical requirements and implementation dates.

Our Own Technology Development

Our Own Technology Development

We develop data integration solutions to automate the filing of your documents with tax and fiscal authorities, adapting quickly to any evolution or new requirement. 

We Adapt to You

We Adapt to You

Do you have different information systems or do you integrate tax and accounting information from multiple companies into a single ERP? Tell us how you need to organize your work. We will adapt the solutions to your requirements.

Do You Need to Implement Tax Reporting Projects in Other Countries?

EDICOM's platform simplifies communication processes with tax authorities in multinational contexts. It is a multistandard, multiprotocol solution that adapts to the market's main ERP systems.


SII - Spain

Immediate Supply of Information

MTD - United Kigdom

Making Tax Digital


SAFT-PT - Portugal

Standard Audit Tax Purposes 


RTIR - Hungary

Real Time Invoice Reporting


Greece - myDATA

My Digital Accounting & Tax Application


i.MAS - Lithuania

Smart Tax Administration System


SAF-T - Norway

Standard Audit Tax Purposes


SAF-T Romania

Standard Audit Tax Purposes


Poland - SAF-T

Standard Audit Tax Purposes

SAF-T Austria

Standard Audit Tax Purposes

eReporting - France

Data related to transactions.

EDICOM Tax Compliance Platform

Comply with your tax requirements from one single platform. Companies that work in different markets benefit from a single, constantly updated platform to send documents and comply with digital VAT reporting according to the corresponding legislation in each country.

integrated invoicing

Integration Module

The solution integrates with a company's ERP. Its mapping systems automatically translate the information generated in the system to the electronic format required by each tax authority (XML, UBL, SAF-T, etc.).


Legal Module

Once the message has been validated, mechanisms are applied to guarantee legal value. Examples are an electronic signature, a time stamp, or other certifications. This ensures that the document is ready to be sent.

validate electronic invoice

Validation Module

Later on, the data is syntactically and semantically validated to check that the file is correct according to the target country's specifications.

send electronic invoice

Communications Module

The platform sends the message to the tax authority and the recipient, utilizing the necessary protocols in each case (webservice, AS2, HTTPS, FTP...).

VAT records storage

Storage Module

VAT records and notifications are stored in an electronic storage service that guarantees long-term integrity.

user environments

User Environments

Multiple user environments adapted to the operations needed, for the country they work in.

Benefits to Your Business

Companies no longer need to multiply their tax compliance resources; they can centralize all these tasks in a single solution and country.

Management systems complete all transformations and adaptations your documents require. Everything is done transparently for the user, without the need to make changes to your systems.

Automation and centralization increase business efficiency. Now it's possible to take maximum advantage of digitalization, including the enormous cost savings you can achieve.

EDICOM's "VAT Compliance" platform is prepared to operate in over 60 countries around the world. Using it guarantees that companies avoid possible fines for failing to meet tax requirements or using incorrect declarations.

EDICOM's systems are certified by several organizations, including the ISO 27001, the ISO 20000, the ISAE 3402 or the TIER II DESIGN. We provide a maximum security guarantee and a minimum solution availability of 99.9%.

Through the International Tax Compliance Observatory, EDICOM participates in active knowledge management so that its solution is permanently updated and adapted to the regulatory changes that occur periodically in different countries.

Surveillance, monitoring and management of your B2B2G solution in SaaS mode

Outsourcing the technological resources associated with your B2B2G communications platform to a global provider such as EDICOM, and delegating the management procedures required for its maintenance, guarantees constant updating and optimum operation of commercial, logistical and tax communications with your public or private partners.

Cloud Computing Platform

Cloud Computing Platform

EDICOM provides you with a technological infrastructure with maximum security, permanently monitored (24x7), and staffed by dedicated professionals who ensure that your solution is always available.

International Support Center

International Support Center

An EDICOM technician acts as an operator for your EDI SaaS Platform, managing all your administrative parameters as an advanced user of your EDI communications system.

  • System administration and monitoring

  • Control of data availability level

  • Incident resolution

  • e-Invoicing (certificate management, platform parameterization, business partner testing)

  • Connectivity management with VAN (Value Added Networks) 

  • Accurate information exchange with internal and external business partners

  • Global installation maintenance

  • Updating of the business partner list on your platform

  • Incorporation of e-Invoicing clients (certificate uploading, agenda configuration, communication and format tests, etc.)

  • Platform adaptation

  • Review of interfaces and specification of changes to be made to promote improvements. (This does not include the development of modifications and new interfaces).

  • Performing message exchange tests up to implementing new EDI message exchanges (new business partners, new messages).

  • Monitoring connection validity with your EDI partners

  • Analysis of documents with excessive delays in the transfer process

  • Analysis of possible incidents due to excessive delays in the document reception process

  • Confirmation of the correct destination receipt of all sent documents

  • Confirmation of the correct processing of all received documents to ensure their integration into the client's ERP

  • EDICOM subjects its EDI software and services to rigorous security audits on an ongoing basis.

  • The audit methodology is based on the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) international standard.

  • To locate security weaknesses, vulnerability analysis and internal and external intrusion tests are carried out on EDICOM's infrastructure, services, and web applications.

  • These activities are carried out by a team of independent auditors.

Latest Compliance News

ViDA (VAT in the Digital Age) - The Council of the European Union Approves the VAT in the Digital Age Package

Starting July 1, 2030, electronic invoicing and digital reporting will become mandatory for cross-border transactions

Italy: Digitize the Sending and Receiving of Declarations and Other Customs Documents (AIDA)

Italy is digitizing interactions between businesses and the Customs Authority, ADM - the Customs and Monopolies Agency.

Bosnia and Herzegovina to Implement Mandatory E-Invoicing and Real-Time Reporting

Bosnia and Herzegovina will implement mandatory e-invoicing and real-time reporting to enhance tax transparency

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