myDATA, Greece's Electronic Compliance System
Declare tax and accounting information required by the IAPR through the new myDATA system.
More VAT Reporting Projects:
Declare Through My Digital Accounting & Tax Application
myDATA is a platform created by Greece's tax authority, The Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR), to digitize business tax and accounting information declaration.
All companies performing accounting, according to Greek accounting standards, will be required to transmit the information to the myDATA platform beginning in July of 2021.
What information must be declared in the myDATA portal?

Revenue Documents
All revenue documents, such as accounts receivable invoices, must be reported and classified by the issuer in real time.

Expense Documents
These will be classified by the receiver before the maximum VAT reporting period (last day of the following month). In addition to classifying the expense, the receiver will report it if the issuer has not declared the income.

Accounting Records
The necessary entries must be transmitted to determine the annual accounting and tax results, up to the sixth month following the end of the fiscal year.
Payroll must be submitted within the deadline of the withholding tax return.
myDATA - IAPR e-Books
The myDATA portal sets up two electronic accounting books with the declared information.
The books are checked against the VAT returns by the IAPR. Taxpayers will have 2 months to correct any discrepancies that may be detected, and thus avoid tax audits.

Record Book
This contains revenue and expense documents, classification of these documents, as well as accounting adjustment entries.

Summary Book
This document reflects combined tax and accounting results based on information from the Record Book.
EDICOM Solution - myDATA
White Paper on VAT Compliance
This analysis on International Electronic Tax Compliance (available in English and Spanish) is a resource designed for companies that operate in several countries, or plan to do so.
You will learn how the indirect VAT tax works, how it is regulated and what its implications are for businesses and tax authorities.
Do You Need to Implement Tax Reporting Projects in Other Countries?
EDICOM's platform simplifies communication processes with tax authorities in multinational contexts. It is a multistandard, multiprotocol solution that adapts to the market's main ERP systems.
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