Long-Term Electronic Archiving with Evidentiary Value

EDICOMLta is the long-term electronic archiving service we offer as an eIDAS Qualified Trust Service Provider.

Trust Services Provider

Integrity and Authenticity of Documents with Evidentiary Value

EDICOMLta (EDICOM Long-Term Archiving) is the certified long-term e-Archiving solution offered by EDICOM as a Qualified Trust Service Provider.

The service applies identification, digital signature, and electronic chronological validation mechanisms in compliance with the eIDAS Regulation, thus guaranteeing the integrity and authenticity of the archived files over time.

The following features guarantee the legal archiving of electronic documents through a secure web environment, accessible 24 hours a day from anywhere with an internet connection.

How does EDICOMLta attribute evidentiary value to the archived documents?

One of the main values provided by an approved e-Filing system is the legal evidentiary value of the documents in the event of a possible confrontation with a third party or litigation.


  • An electronic seal and an electronic time stamp qualified by the eIDAS Regulation are applied sequentially. With a qualified electronic seal, we guarantee the integrity of the document. With the Time Stamping, we objectively prove the exact moment (date and time) the document was preserved.

  • Qualified electronic time stamps are applied regularly over time (usually every two years) to extend the reliability of the electronic seal beyond its usual technological validity. In this process, we use the qualified, trustworthy service of electronic seal preservation.

An Internationally-Certified Platform

The EDICOMLta solution is designed and certified in compliance with the highest international digital archiving standards.

In addition, it has local certifications in regions where specific electronic preservation laws exist, such as Conservazione Elettronica or NOM151 in Mexico.

How does EDICOM Long-Term Archiving work?

Service Access EDICOMLta

Service Access

EDICOMLta offers users a customized web environment designed with usability criteria and accessed with high levels of security.

Document Capture

Document Capture

Whether manually through the web environment or integrated, the e-Signature and qualified electronic time stamp mechanisms are automatically applied, guaranteeing the integrity and authenticity of documents as soon as they are registered on the platform.

Evidentiary Value EDICOMLta

Evidentiary Value

With the certified electronic seal, we guarantee the integrity of the document. We objectively demonstrate the exact moment (date and time) the document was archived with the TimeStamp.

Metadata Generation EDICOMLta

Metadata Generation

Metadata is essential as it allows for the subsequent identification and retrieval of documents. EDICOMLta enables you to create web templates for the creation of standardized metadata structures.

Secure Archives EDICOMLta

Secure Archives

Documents are archived in parallel in two EDICOM data centers, with the respective backup copies. This ensures 99.9% accessibility to documents and high-security conditions.

Evidence Recording EDICOMLta

Evidence Recording

Some of the recorded IT evidence that makes up a document audit are: proof of creation, proof of origin, proof of modification, proof of deletion, proof of download ...

Document Management EDICOMLta

Document Management

Electronic archiving, document modification, folder creation, search filters, "favorites" bookmarking, document list, download, and share options ... are some of the multiple functionalities.

Continuous Reassurance EDICOMLta

Continuous Reassurance

An electronic time stamp qualified by the eIDAS Regulation is recurrently and automatically applied to the secured documents, which is a valid method recognized by the European authorities to prolong the integrity of an electronic document over time.

Document Auditing EDICOMLta

Document Auditing

At any time, a document audit can be requested. This compressed file contains elements such as evidence, digital signatures, or the validation report. All the necessary IT elements to objectively demonstrate a document's integrity.

Introducing EDICOMLta: Information Management

Introducing EDICOMLta: Document Loading and Querying

Introducing EDICOMLta: Legal Document Audit

Key Features of the Trusted Long-Term Electronic Archiving Service

Archiving based on metadata makes it possible to identify and establish hierarchies between documents, facilitating subsequent consultation or retrieval.

Electronic files are preserved under the technical conditions regulated by Regulation 910/2014, known as eIDAS.

The system allows agile retrieval of preserved documents. It also allows file access and downloading with electronic auditing that certifies the data's integrity and authenticity over time to demonstrate its legal validity to third parties.

The e-Signature provides a data retention system with guarantees of integrity and authenticity, the necessary guarantees for the system, and the archived documents to have legal evidentiary value..

The e-Signatures and seals of the files are subjected to systematic control processes to maintain the integrity and authenticity attributes they provide. This permanent audit monitors the interactions of each user on the documents under custody.

EDICOMLta can be integrated with companies' internal management systems or with EDICOM's EDI and e-Invoice Solutions, automating the safekeeping and conservation of these electronic documents.

EDICOMLta lets you safeguard the complete cycle followed by each electronic document. For example, the e-Invoice will be archived and linked to the order and the dispatch note in a commercial relationship.

The retrieval of all data batches is a necessity faced by companies. That is why EDICOM guarantees the retrieval and transfer of all archived documents and their evidence such as signatures, time stamps, file life-cycle records, event logs, etc.

The files are archived under a high availability model based on the redundancy of any component or service. This translates into the availability of two DPCs (Data Processing Centers) located in different physical facilities and operating synchronously through permanent resource replication.

The Latest News on e-Archiving

ViDA (VAT in the Digital Age) – The European Parliament Approves VAT in the Digital Age reforms

Mandatory e-invoicing and digital reporting for cross-border transactions are expected to take effect on July 1, 2030

Electronic archiving requirements in Italy

Do you know what the electronic archiving standard in Italy is and what are the requirements?

Italy: Digitize the Sending and Receiving of Declarations and Other Customs Documents (AIDA)

Italy is digitizing interactions between businesses and the Customs Authority, ADM - the Customs and Monopolies Agency.

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