Practical Applications of Long-Term Electronic Archiving

We present practical cases in which electronic document archiving is indispensable for the digital transformation of a business.

Trust Services Provider

Electronic Long-Term Archiving for Your Paperless Strategy

Paper-based document management consumes a host of resources, both economic and human.

Switching to a model based on the preservation of documents exclusively in electronic format is a leap that must be made with full guarantees of legality and compliance with current regulations. In this sense, it is advisable to count on the services of a Trust Service Provider that assumes the responsibility of preserving all your documents securely over time. 


Electronic Archiving of Documents Exchanged with Public Administrations

The European Union is living an era of digital transformation, forcing the use of e-Invoicing with Public Administrations. This is set out in Directive 2014/55/EU, which obliges the European public sector and its suppliers to use a specific e-Invoicing standard in public procurement relations. 

By implementing an electronic solution for invoicing, it is possible, in an agile way, to also implement an electronic archiving system that automates the management and does it with a legal guarantee. In this way, both issuing and archiving tasks are performed instantaneously and without errors.

Electronic Archiving with Public Administrations

How does it work?

The EDICOM Platform integrates with the ERP to issue invoices in the format required by the corresponding public administration.

The EDICOM Solution enables a direct, two-way communication channel to automate both the sending of invoices and the receipt of replies on the processing status of the documents.

We apply electronic archiving procedures to the original documents. As a Qualified Trust Service Provider in Europe (eIDAS), we apply advanced cryptographic processes (e-Signature, electronic time stamp, etc.) to guarantee the integrity and authenticity of documents recognized at the European level.

The EDICOM Platform receives the different ACKs (response acknowledgments) issued by the administrations informing on the status of each invoice and integrates them into the ERP, creating a set of files and evidence belonging to a single contractual relationship and facilitating document consultation. These associated responses are also retained in the long-term archiving service, with the guarantee of the figure of the Qualified Trust Service Provider defined by the EU 910/2014 Regulation.

Electronic Archiving of VAT books

With EDICOMLta, you can securely archive the tax data of declared invoices and status messages issued by the competent tax authority.

In this context, this safekeeping of transactions must be done in a secure and certified manner so that they may serve as legal evidence in the event of any incident or claim by third parties. 


Electronic Archiving of VAT books

Legal Proof Value of Your Tax Documents

EDICOMLta integrates with the EDI platform or companies' internal management systems, archiving a detailed history of the electronic documents issued to the tax administration.

The tax invoice data declared and the status messages issued by the tax authority are securely archived in the form of electronic files.  

The solution applies metadata that allows the classification and identification of the documents issued, and it is possible to rank and relate the documents exchanged hierarchically. The system provides traceability and allows rapid consultation and retrieval of any file

You can retrieve and consult at any time the files sent and the acknowledgments received that are archived with it.

An Internationally Certified Platform

Our EDICOMLta Solution has been designed and certified in compliance with the highest international electronic archiving standards such as the eIDAS Regulation or ISO 14641-1.

In addition, we have local certifications in regions where specific electronic archiving laws exist, such as Conservazione Elettronica in Italy or NOM151 in Mexico.

certifications security edicom

Electronic Archiving in the Human Resources Department

Human Resources management involves managing many employee-related documents (payroll, contracts, tax reports, tax returns, sick leave, special leave, travel expenses, etc.). The challenges faced by human resources managers in terms of document management are manifold: management of large volumes of documents, heterogeneity of formats and types, classification, preservation, retrieval, etc.  

Given the sensitivity of the documents handled, it is necessary to archive this documentation under strict security conditions and to be able to trace documents that are part of the same employee's file.

Centralize an Employee's Documents in a Single File

The solution connects with the ERP to capture digital and multimedia documents. It is possible to send large batches of documents and archive them according to efficiency criteria by employee ID. 

Documents can also be uploaded by accessing the solution's interface with a drag & drop system.

Qualified electronic seals and qualified timestamps are applied to documents to ensure their integrity. 

Documents are classified in the solution through a metadata structure agreed with the client, which includes the employee ID. This makes it possible to create a trace that unifies all of an employee's documents in a single electronic file.

The solution sends a notification to the employee with a private and secure link to download the archived document.

Each employee has a private environment where he can consult his file at any time. In addition, all actions performed on each document, whether viewed or downloaded, are recorded as evidence.

Latest News on Electronic Archiving

B2B Electronic Invoicing in France

France is moving forward in the deployment of the new B2B electronic invoicing and e-Reporting model.

How electronic invoicing works in Colombia

We analyze what electronic invoicing is like in Colombia, how it works, compliance deadlines, and more.

Electronic invoicing in China: The Golden Tax System and the Fully digitalized e-Fapiao

By 2025, China aims to fully transition to a completely digitized electronic invoicing system (FDEI).

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