EDICOMData - GDSN Data Pool Certified by GS1
GDSN Data Pool with specific administration tools to manage real-time product data synchronization projects between trading partners anywhere in the world.
A Global Cloud-Based Product Data Synchronization Solution
EDICOMData is the name of our electronic catalog for product data synchronization between suppliers and distributors. The solution works as a Data Pool that simplifies synchronization of products offered between the companies involved in the supply chain.
It is a transparent solution that concentrates B2B-specific functionalities on the GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network) or private data synchronization communities in a single environment.
GS1's GDSN Proposal
GS1's proposal is based on the exchange and synchronization of structured information in XML format between electronic data catalogs that act as information repositories

GPC (Global Product Classification)
Global product classification that standardizes product information published through GDSN using the same criteria.

GDSN Data Pool
Repositories of structured product information connected to data synchronization networks to share information with any trading partner.

GS1 Global Registry
Global registry of all product references published in GDSN by the various approved Data Pools.
EDICOMData - What is a Data Publisher?
Manufacturers and suppliers publish information automatically about their products in electronic data catalogs that they share with their trading partners in real time.
The publisher uses a data entry process to upload its product data and company information to the database.
The Data Pool then publishes the basic information for each product in the Global Data Registry, which stores the information and makes it available for subsequent access and consultation by subscribers.
During the registration process, the publisher defines a list of distributors who may request information on the publisher's products through the GDSN network. A list of authorized subscribers is compiled, after which the two product data platforms are synchronized to share data in real time.
Want to Know More? Talk to Our Experts
If you'd like to know more about any of our solutions, please provide your contact details below and one of our experts will call you as soon as possible, with no obligation. With EDICOM you're sure to find the best solution for your company. It will be our pleasure to speak with you.
GDSN: Who Subscribes to the Information?
Subscribers are distributors who take advantage of data synchronization technology to access real-time, standardized and up-to-date information on their suppliers' products
Subscription Order
Subscribers use specific data forms to sign up to receive product information from one or several publishers. EDICOMData currently offers several segmentation possibilities, since the application allows subscribers to filter according to different parameters (publisher, sector, product family, geographical area, etc.). The subscription request is sent to the GDSN network for processing and the subscriber data and their subscription request are sent to the selected publishers.
Reception of Information
When the subscription request is sent, the publisher receives the user's data and may send a message confirming receipt of the information and thus the synchronization of both data catalogs. This is an optional message that publishers can use to certify that the entire process has been carried out correctly. It is not essential, however, since the two platforms are synchronized when the subscription request is launched.
Product Data Synchronization Services
EDICOMData implements specific tools for integrating and uploading product information in compliance with the specifications of the different projects and the various public and private synchronization networks.

Data Integration
EDICOMData lets you automate the synchronization of product master data with your suppliers or customers using powerful integration tools that allow you to manage the publication and subscription processes from your ERP, PIM or any other internal information system you use.
So whenever an essential attribute of an item is updated, it is automatically communicated to EDICOMData, which launches the synchronization processes in the corresponding publication and subscription environments. Calls are also made to other GDSN Data Pools to request or, where appropriate, serve the product information to be synchronized.

Data Uploading
If your product synchronization processes with your clients do not require the publication of high volumes of product information, you may prefer a non-integrated solution for uploading data.
The product information can be uploaded or published directly on EDICOMData's Data Pool data entry screens. If you prefer, you can manage your product information in structured files such as MS Excel and import them from the EDICOMData interface enabled for this purpose.
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