International Certification Authority

Bring security and legitimacy guarantees to your electronic communications with the advanced cryptography services we provide as an International Certification Authority.

Trust Services Provider

eIDAS Accreditation

Provider accredited by the European Commission under the eIDAS Regulation for issuing certificates, e-Signature, and electronic sealing services.

PSC in Mexico

Certification Services Provider accredited by the Mexican Ministry of Economy for identification and e-Signature certified digitalization or preservation of data messages.

Integrated, Authentic, and Confidential Electronic Communications

EDICOM deploys its electronic document identification and e-Signature services to provide guarantees of confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity for transactions managed on its communications platform.  

Our cryptography services are accredited by the European Commission, the Mexican Ministry of Economy.




Refers to the ability to keep an electronic document inaccessible to all except the recipients of the message.



Guarantees that the document received matches the document issued without the possibility of alteration.



Refers to the ability to determine whether a person has established their acknowledgment and commitment to the content of the electronic document.

EDICOM Has a Certified Technological Infrastructure

Electronic Certification Authority

We provide advanced cryptographic services such as e-Signature of documents in compliance with the applicable regulations in various countries.

We operate as a Certification Authority in the European Union, Colombia, and Mexico.

We implement identification and e-Signature services according to the applicable requirements in each international context in which our clients operate.


EDICOM is established as a Certification Authority to provide its clients with the identification elements specific to the particular activity to be performed, avoiding general certificates and ensuring compliance with the law in its strictest interpretation, as in the case of secure devices which are certified under CWA 14169.

The EDICOM Certification Authority (CAEDICOM)  guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data provided by users and their automated processing in compliance with personal data protection legislation and the Privacy Policy.

The objective is to eliminate barriers and grant validity to electronic identification and e-Signature systems so that both individuals and legal entities can use their electronic identification in any country of the EU.

The services provided include the issuance of qualified e-Signature and electronic seal certificates, the issuance of qualified electronic time stamps, and the preservation of these stamps.

The EDICOM Certification Authority provides individuals and legal entities with secure telematic identification mechanisms that enable them to perform activities where the e-Signature replaces the handwritten one with identical legal guarantees.

To this end, ACEDICOMMX issues certificates that comply with the provisions of the Commercial Code on Electronic Signatures and is accredited by the Ministry of Economy as a Certification Service Provider.

Electronic Certification Services

Advanced electronic identification services that provide maximum confidentiality conditions to your communications.  

Specific solutions for signature and long-term electronic archiving. 

Our certification entities are integrated into the EDICOM Platform to offer the most advanced communications and compliance solutions on the market.


The EDICOM Certification Authority issues certificates to accredit the identity of the individuals and companies that use them to guarantee the security of their electronic communications.

The most common uses of electronic certificates are the e-Signature of documents and software, data encryption, digitalization, certified archiving, or personal identification, among others.

What type of electronic certificate do you need?

EDICOM's e-Signature services are embedded as proprietary technology in the EDICOM Platform for solutions such as e-Invoicing or tax reporting in compliance with the applicable regulations in various countries. 

EDICOM's remote signature and delegated signature solutions also allow any external application to access these services through the appropriate integration mechanisms for signing any electronic document.

Discover our e-Signature services

With an Electronic Time Stamp (timestamping), it is possible to prove that a data series has existed and has not been altered since a specific point in time.

A Time Stamp Authority such as EDICOM acts as a Trusted Third Party attesting to the existence of such electronic data at a specific date and time.

The applications of electronic timestamping are manifold, being used in certified invoice digitalization processes, archiving of all types of electronic documents, and any process in which it is essential to "certify" that certain electronic data existed at a given time in the form in which they were presented to the Time Stamp Authority..

Learn more about our Electronic Time Stamp service

EDICOM combines the capabilities of its data and communications integration platform with its identification and signature solutions to offer the most advanced trust services.

EDICOM Trust Services

Apply a Legal Layer to Your Electronic Transactions

Our advanced electronic cryptography mechanisms apply a legal layer to documents that, depending on national or continental legislation, as in the case of Europe, provide legal proof of the document's validity in the face of possible legal or third-party requirements.

Technological Solutions with Integrity and Authenticity Guarantees

Our electronic certification services with legal guarantees are natively integrated with the suite of  EDI, e-Invoice, or Electronic VAT Compliance Solutions that we provide to our clients. In this way, any electronic exchange of electronic documents is performed by applying cryptographic mechanisms that guarantee the origin's identity or the data integrity throughout the transactional process. Below, we highlight some of the solutions that embed electronic certification services to a greater extent.


Electronic Archiving Service

EDICOMLta guarantees legal custody of the electronic documents archived on the EDICOM Platform, ensuring their integrity and authenticity over time.

  • EDICOM acts as a Trusted Third Party, granting evidentiary value to the documents in custody.
  • Service in compliance with European Regulation 910/2014, on electronic identification and trust services.
  • Custody in compliance with international standards such as "Conservazione Sostitutiva" (Italy) or "NOM 151" (Mexico).

Document Approval with e-Signature

EDICOMSignADoc is the solution for managing all your document approval flows, whether they are internal or have to be approved by external business partners such as clients or suppliers. The solution enables EDICOM qualified service provider certificate issuing and e-Signature services, providing greater legal guarantees to the evidence of acceptance or rejection of documents if e-Signature processes generate them.

e-Signature in Tax and Administrative Procedures

The EDICOM Global e-Invoicing Platform simplifies e-Invoice issuing and acceptance processes in multinational environments. It is the solution for companies operating in various markets using centralized management systems that must handle these documents in compliance with the applicable laws in each country.

By applying cryptographic mechanisms such as e-Signatures, we can guarantee the document's authenticity and integrity throughout its digital lifecycle. This is a fundamental point required by most states where e-Invoicing is allowed.

Follow All the News on Electronic Trust Services

ViDA (VAT in the Digital Age) - The Council of the European Union Approves the VAT in the Digital Age Package

Starting July 1, 2030, electronic invoicing and digital reporting will become mandatory for cross-border transactions

Italy: Digitize the Sending and Receiving of Declarations and Other Customs Documents (AIDA)

Italy is digitizing interactions between businesses and the Customs Authority, ADM - the Customs and Monopolies Agency.

Bosnia and Herzegovina to Implement Mandatory E-Invoicing and Real-Time Reporting

Bosnia and Herzegovina will implement mandatory e-invoicing and real-time reporting to enhance tax transparency

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