Qualified Trust Services with eIDAS Accreditation

Security, confidentiality and integrity for all your electronic transactions.

Trust Services Provider


Certificated long-term digital archiving offered by EDICOM as a Qualified Trust Services Provider.


Manage your document approval flows with a qualified eIDAS electronic signature.


Send your sensitive electronic communications with a delivery guarantee.

Security, Confidentiality and Integrity for all Your Digital Documents

The digital transformation and the move towards 100% electronic models in business relations entail the need to protect the integrity, confidentiality and authenticity of the documents exchanged and stored. Security is a key element of this digital world, with digital certification its maximum guarantee.

The European Union Regulation No. 910/2014 on electronic identification services and trust services for electronic transactions in the European market (eIDAS regulation) provides a predictable regulatory environment that enables secure and efficient electronic transactions between businesses, citizens and public authorities.

What are Trust Services?

As established in the eIDAS regulation, the services allow:

Creation, verification and validation of electronic signatures, electronic seals or electronic time stamping, certified electronic delivery services and certificates related to them.

Creation, verification and validation of certificates for website authentication.

Preservation of electronic signatures, seals or certificates related to these services.

What is a Trust Service Provider?

A Trust Service Provider uses electronic certification services, such as electronic signatures, to guarantee the long-term integrity of an electronic document.

One of the most relevant aspects of the eIDAS regulation is the regulation of Trust Service Providers. This is the technological provider that has the required certifications and the technical capacity to provide electronic transactions with the trust mechanisms mentioned previously: electronic signature, time stamping, etc.

EDICOM, eIDAS Qualified Trust Services Provider

EDICOM is a Qualified Trust Services Provider in accordance with EU Regulation 910/2014, better known as eIDAS. This European-level certification recognizes EDICOM as a Trusted Third Party with the required certifications and the necessary technical capacity to provide electronic transactions with the required trust mechanisms.


Issuance of qualified signature/electronic seal certificate

The electronic signature is the legal and functional equivalent of the handwritten signature. The signature obtained from qualified certificates issued by an eIDAS trust services provider grants full legal validity to the signed document, ensuring its integrity and authenticity with greater security guarantees than the handwritten signature.

Validation of the qualified electronic signature/seal

EDICOM is accredited by eIDAS regulation to offer signature validation services and certification to determine validity.

Preservation of qualified electronic seals

Preserving qualified electronic seals provides additional guarantees to the data retained after the application of signature processes. Along with the original documents, this provides confidence in the preservation process over time.

Generation of qualified electronic time stamps

An electronic time stamp demonstrates a series of dates, proving that those dates were not altered after the moment they were obtained. This is applied by inserting a record in the document based on Universal Coordinated Time. This generates data evidence for a specific moment.

Qualified electronic delivery services

Qualified electronic delivery services generate evidence to corroborate that a document or electronic message has been delivered to an addressee at a given time. It is a mechanism designed to provide a record of the sending and proper receipt of this data.

Our Trust Services Throughout the World

International certifications allow us to provide our solutions with tools that guarantee the exchange of electronic messages in a secure, complete and confidential manner.

Thanks to the work of our technicians, we have obtained the highest certifications in the field of trust services. We provide companies, communities and individuals with secure electronic identification mechanisms that allow them to carry out activities where electronic signatures replace handwritten signatures with identical legal guarantees.

Certification Authority in Europe

Certification Authority in Europe

We issue qualified certificates that comply with the European eIDAS 910/2014 Regulation, suitable for operation in all European Union countries. We also obtain the corresponding official recognition in those places where a company does business outside the European Union.

In addition to issuing recognized certificates, other qualified services provided are qualified electronic signature, time stamping and certified archiving.

 eIDAS Qualified Trust Services Provider

eIDAS Qualified Trust Services Provider

The eIDAS regulation creates a cross-border legal framework. It ensures the interoperability of electronic identification mechanisms in all member states. The aim is to eliminate barriers and make electronic identification and signature systems valid so that both natural and legal persons can use their electronic identification in any European Union country.

The services provided include the issuance of qualified electronic signature and electronic seal certificates, the issuance of qualified electronic time stamps and the preservation of these stamps.

Trust Services Provider in Mexico

Trust Services Provider in Mexico

ACEDICOMMX certification allows us to issue certificates in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Business Code on Electronic Signatures. We also act as a Certification Service Provider thanks to accreditation by the Mexican Ministry of Economy.

Trust Services FAQs

Integrated into the technological infrastructure offered by EDICOM, trust services provide our solutions with mechanisms that guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of electronic communications. Below you will find some frequently asked questions about these services:


A Certification Authority is an entity authorized by a public administration to issue electronic certificates. The authority  is responsible for guaranteeing the validity of digital certificate data. EDICOM is an accredited Certification Authority for Europe, Mexico and Colombia.

This is a document signed electronically by a Certification Service Provider that links signature verification data to a signatory confirming its authenticity.

A Certification Service Provider such as EDICOM identifies the the certificate's public code with its owner and makes it known to all those who wish to contact it. The certificate's private code is only known by its owner.

It lets each party know of an electronic communication, the exchange of encrypted information to ensure the confidentiality of data, and the electronic signature of documents to prove the integrity and origin of the information.

There are different types of certificates depending on their intended use and the level of security implemented in communications. There are qualified signature certificates on a secure device that require the use of a device such as a cryptographic card in which code information is stored. There are also software certificates that can be recognized or not, and that can be installed directly on a terminal without the need for cryptographic cards or additional software.

This is a certificate that requires the accreditation of the natural or legal person before the authority responsible for issuing the electronic certificate. It is a type of certificate in which the identity of the certificate holder is verified before the Certification Authority, which verifies the identity of the certificate holder to third parties. 

This is a set of data associated with a message that ensures signer identity and message integrity.

The signature process is performed using asymmetric cryptography or public code techniques.

This system has 2 keys. One is a private key known only to the owner of the certificate that allows data encryption. Another public key is distributed and allows data decryption. The issued key pairs work in such a way that only the information encrypted by the private key can be decrypted by the public key, and vice versa.

Thus, messages encrypted with the private key can be decrypted by the public key, allowing the authenticity and originality of the documents to be accredited.

Likewise, data encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the private key, thus guaranteeing the confidentiality of communications addressed to the certificate owner, since only the certificate owner has the public key.

It is a cryptographic system that allows data to be encrypted with a key, which must also be used to decrypt it.

It involves cancelling its validity before its expiration date. Revocation can be requested at any time, especially when the holder believes that their private keys are known by others. It takes effect from the effective date of revocation that appears next to the serial number of the certificate in a document signed and published by the Certification Authority.

Increase Process and Communications Security

The eIDAS regulation provides a cross-border legal framework that ensures the interoperability of electronic identification mechanisms in all EU member states.

Solutions for Integrity and Authenticity of Business Processes

The services we offer as an eIDAS Qualified Trust Services Provider are integrated in-house with our technological platform that we provide to our customers. Thus, we guarantee a global service for  advanced solutions for data integration between IT systems. Below are some of the solutions that embed eIDAS Trust Services to a greater extent.


Digital Archiving Service

EDICOMLta (EDICOM Long Term Archiving) is the certified, long-term digital archiving system offered by EDICOM as a qualified trust services provider. Our system is designed in accordance with the eIDAS regulation, the most stringent digital storage regulation in Europe. It is also qualified to apply preservation processes according to other procedures such as the Italian Conservazione Sostitutiva, the Mexican Official Standard 151 (NOM151) or ISO 14641.

Document Approval with Electronic Signatures

EDICOMSignADoc is a complete solution for managing all your document approval flows, whether they are internal or have to be accepted by external parties such as clients or suppliers. 

The solution enables EDICOM, a qualified trust services provider, to issue certificates and provide signature services. This gives greater legal guarantees to the evidence of document acceptance or rejection when generated by electronic signature processes.

Sensitive Electronic Communications with Guaranteed Delivery

EDICOM SecureDelivery is the certified electronic delivery service that, in accordance with the requirements of European Parliament Regulation 910/2014, generates evidence related to the management of transmitted data. This includes proof of sending and receiving information in accordance with Article 3.36 of the eIDAS regulation.

Electronic Time Stamping Ensures Integrity

Time Stamping proves that a set of information is in a specific place and that it has not been altered after a specific moment in time. A Time Stamping Authority such as EDICOM acts as a trusted third party, attesting to the existence of certain electronic data at a specific date and time.

Follow the latest news about electronic trust services

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