Trust Services

e-Delivery: How to Certify the Delivery of Your Electronic Documents

e-Delivery qualified electronic delivery service

The rapid advance of digitalization in communications requires a secure system that guarantees data confidentiality and provides evidence of the information exchange. 

There are situations where it is necessary to certify the delivery of documents. In the physical world check ins, reception notifications, or certified mail solutions fulfill these needs. In the digital world legal proof of document delivery are generated through an e-Delivery service, regulated by the European eIDAS norm.  

The Electronic Registered Delivery Service (ERDS) is regulated by Regulation (EU) nº 910/2014 of the European Parliament and Council published on July 23 2014, also known as eIDAS. eIDAS regulates electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the European single market. 

The e-Delivery service is part of the trust services regulated by eIDAS, which also include other services like the digital signature, digital seal, and the digital time stamp. All these services are based on electronic identification as regulated by eIDAS. 

The e-Delivery service must be offered by a Trust Service Provider like EDICOM, which acts like a trusted third party. Companies accredited as trust service providers must have certain technological capabilities and are constantly audited by the supervisory body.

What does the eIDAS norm require to offer qualified electronic delivery services?

  • Providers must offer one or more qualified trust services. 
  • Providers must ensure the identification of the issuer with a high level of confidence. 
  • Guarantee the identification of the recipient before delivering the data. 
  • To protect the issuance and reception of data with an advanced digital signature or an advanced digital seal offered by a qualified trust service provider. Making it almost impossible to modify data without detection. 
  • To clearly indicate any changes to the necessary data when delivery or reception occurs to the issuer and recipient. 
  • To use a qualified digital time stamp with the date and time of issuance and delivery and modifications of data. 

Why trust EDICOM to certify the delivery of your electronic documents?

The qualified electronic certified delivery service can be used for the exchange of information that needs to be sent and received reliably, as would be the case with tax information, judicial procedures, and many others. 

The certified electronic delivery service has legal effect. Sent and received data through a qualified electronic certified delivery service benefits from the presumption that the data has not been manipulated, and in the case of any judicial process will generate valid documentary evidence of it. In this case we are referring to confidential information whose security must be guaranteed.  

EDICOMNet eIDAS is EDICOM’s e-Delivery service. It consists of a qualified certified electronic delivery service in compliance with the specifications of Regulation (EU) Nº 910/2014 of the European Parliament and Council. 

What guarantees does the EDICOMNET eIDAS service provide?

Private Network. Communications are conducted through EDICOM’s private EDICOMNet network which is certified as an eIDAS eDelivery network and gives clients a high level of security. It is a closed network that can only Connect to other eIDAS networks guaranteeing the characteristics that give it high levels of security. EDICOM maintains interconnection agreements with the main networks guaranteeing delivery and reception notifications from involved parties to provide evidence of those events. 

Traceability. Through EDICOMNet’s eIDAS service all the processes conducted by a user are registered in in the Certified Electronic Delivery Service. 

Authentication of the issuer and recipient. The certified electronic delivery service authenticates the identity of the parties in the exchange. It also issues a digital certificate unequivocally associated to the company or person authenticated in the accreditation process. 

Integrity. Encrypts all the messages to guarantee integrity and authenticity throughout the whole process. This way received information can only be opened by the intended recipient.   

Evidence. EDICOM generates the evidence throughout the whole process according to the requirements of the eIDAS regulation for the certified electronic delivery service. 

Verification. The moment a message is sent or received it is verified through the electronic digital time stamp service.  

EDICOM as a trust service provider has the technological capacity to apply mechanisms that guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity to information in a digital format. It assigns physical and legal persons identification mechanisms that enable them to conduct and streamline commercial activities with legal guarantees.

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