Integrate Our Qualified Electronic Signature Services

Integrate our eIDAS Qualified e-Signature Services into your digital management tools.

Trust Services Provider

Implement eIDAS compliant e-Signature Processes in Your Applications

EDICOM has the necessary credentials to provide Qualified e-Signature Services in compliance with eIDAS Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 of the European Parliament and Council.  

Our data center incorporates the most advanced eIDAS compliant e-Signature issuing systems, enabling the issuance of qualified e-Signatures from secure devices managed and maintained by EDICOM.

EDICOM, Electronic Qualified Trust Service Provider in Europe

A qualified trust service provider has the relevant credentials and the appropriate technology to provide specific electronic identification services enabling e-Signatures. 

This type of provider provides both individuals and legal entities with secure electronic identification mechanisms to carry out activities where the e-Signature replaces the handwritten signature with the same legal guarantees.

The types of e-Signatures are defined in Directive 1999/93/EC, although their recognition has been extended and standardized through the eIDAS Regulation.

The eIDAS Regulation Recognizes Three Types of e-Signatures According to Their Security Level

Simple e-Signature

Simple e-Signature

This is the simplest and also the most widely used. It is defined as "data in electronic form attached to other electronic data or logically associated with them, used as a means of authentication." The type of transaction will determine the suitability of its use, and it is valid in a multitude of contexts.

Advanced e-Signature

Advanced e-Signature

It is generated from a recognized electronic certificate issued by an accredited supplier that identifies the signatory, whether an individual or a legal entity, utilizing keys. It is linked to the signed data so that any modification can be detected, providing full guarantees on the integrity and authenticity of the signed documents.

eIDAS Qualified e-Signature

eIDAS Qualified e-Signature

It meets the technical requirements of the advanced e-Signature. In addition, an e-Signature is generated from a certificate recognized with a secure signature creation device such as a USB token, cryptographic card, or HSM device such as those used by the EDICOM Trust Service Provider signature service.

ECS (EDICOM Crypto Server)

EDICOM Crypto Server (ECS) is the electronic document signature service based on certificates stored in EDICOM servers. 

Thus, the problems associated with using secure devices such as Smartcards or HSMs are solved, with ECS taking responsibility for the management and security of the device used to generate e-Signatures.

EDICOM Offers Qualified e-Signatures Worldwide

EDICOM is a Qualified Trust Services Provider accredited in Europe, Mexico, and Colombia.

EDICOM provides e-Signature services through its HSM devices to implement the most complex signature models, such as qualified signatures, which require the use of qualified electronic certificates and secure signature creation devices.

EDICOM's e-Signature services are provided from its own data centers with high levels of security for commissioning critical projects with high document volumes.

EDICOM has the technological infrastructure certified at the international level by different ISO standards to integrate recognized e-Signature services in our suite of solutions. We add the legal umbrella of the Certification Authority in other countries where we provide services, such as Mexico or Colombia, to our technological coverage.

eIDAS Trust Service Provider

eIDAS Trust Service Provider

The services provided include the issuance of qualified e-Signature and electronic seal certificates, electronic time stamps, and the preservation of these stamps.

EDICOM PSC in Mexico

EDICOM PSC in Mexico

Certification Services Provider, accredited by the Ministry of Economy for issuing Digital Certificates of e-Signatures, issuance of Digital Time Stamps, and the "Conservation of Data Messages according to NOM151."

Digital Certified Entity in Colombia

Digital Certified Entity in Colombia

EDICOM issues certificates in compliance with the provisions of Article 30 of Law 527 of 1999, as amended by Article 161 of National Decree 019 of 2012, Decree 333 of 2014, and other regulations that modify or complement them.

Are you a developer? Incorporate signature services into your solutions.

EDICOM's remote signature service can be implemented in third-party solutions, increasing the value of management applications developed by integrators and developers.

Remote Signature Service

EDICOM's remote signature service enables e-Signatures from certificates stored in secure signature creation devices hosted at EDICOM's facilities through a Web Services interface over HTTPS.

The EDICOM Qualified Trust Service Provider remote signature service solves the problems associated with using secure devices. EDICOM takes responsibility for the management and security of the device used to generate the e-Signature.

Electronic Certificates

Electronic Certificates

We can issue your electronic certificates. If you already have valid certificates, you can install them on our signature creation devices.

API Integration

API Integration

Versatile and transparent API to integrate any management tool with our remote signature service. 

eIDAS Service

eIDAS Service

Consists of the issuance of remote eIDAS compliant e-Signatures.

Delegated e-Signature

In practice, this service means that the client authorizes EDICOM to sign their electronic documents with the same validity as signing themselves. 

After the corresponding authorization, EDICOM signs with its own certificate and secure signature creation systems. The document holder is exempted from the formalities associated with maintaining and managing certificates or signature devices. 

This signature modality may only be put into service in those cases in which the legislation expressly allows it and for those documents in which this possibility is specifically recognized. 

Solutions Integrated with Our Advanced Cryptographic Services

The services we offer as an eIDAS Qualified Trust Service Provider complete our technological platform with advanced security services for the electronic signature of documents with the highest level of security.

We guarantee a global service for the implementation of advanced EDI solutions between computer systems. 

Electronic Archiving Service

EDICOMLta guarantees legal custody of electronic documents stored on the EDICOM platform, guaranteeing their integrity and authenticity over time.

  • EDICOM acts as a trusted third party, granting evidentiary value to the documents in custody.
  • Service in compliance with European Regulation 910/2014 on EDI and trust services.
  • Custody in compliance with international standards such as "Conservazione Sostitutiva" (Italy) or "NOM 151" (Mexico)

Approval of Documents with e-Signatures

EDICOMSignADoc is the solution for managing all your document approval flows, whether they are internal or have to be approved by external parties such as clients or suppliers. The solution enables EDICOM as a Qualified Trust Service Provider to issue certificates and e-Signature services, providing greater legal guarantees to the acceptance or rejection evidence of documents if e-Signature processes generate them.

e-Signature in Tax and Administrative Procedures

The EDICOM Global e-Invoicing platform simplifies the issuing and acceptance processes of e-invoices in multinational environments. It is the solution for companies operating in different markets using centralized management systems that must handle these documents in compliance with the applicable laws in each country.

By applying cryptographic mechanisms such as e-Signatures, we can guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the document throughout its digital lifecycle. This is a fundamental point required by most states where e-Invoicing is allowed.

e-Signature and Time Stamping in Communications with Tax Authorities

EDICOM's VAT Compliance platform simplifies communications with the tax authorities in multinational environments. It is the solution for companies that operate in different markets and must manage tax documents in compliance with the applicable laws in each country.

The application of the e-Signature and the electronic time stamp is necessary in these processes as it identifies the legal entity sending the tax information and certifies that the sending took place at a specific time — a fundamental aspect in these systems where the sending of information is subject to precise deadlines.

Follow All the News about e-Signatures in Europe

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SAF-T implementation in Bulgaria will begin in 2026 for large businesses, expand to medium-sized businesses in 2028.

Electronic archiving requirements in Italy

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Italy: Digitize the Sending and Receiving of Declarations and Other Customs Documents (AIDA)

Italy is digitizing interactions between businesses and the Customs Authority, ADM - the Customs and Monopolies Agency.

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