Trust Services

EDICOM Renews Its HDS Certification to Securely Archive Health Data

EDICOM HDS Certification france

EDICOM has renewed its HDS (Hébergement de Données de Santé) certification accredited by AFNOR for the archiving of healthcare data in France. It is a mandatory certification for cloud service providers that archive confidential personal healthcare data collected during prevention, diagnostic, care, or social medical supervision.

In France entities that provide health services like hospitals pharmacies and laboratories that manage medical personal data are obligated to hire suppliers of services with HDS certification. The hosting of healthcare data is regulated by the Public health code (Art. 11118)

According to the health ministry, all healthcare data must be archived and processed with strict security and confidentiality. This includes the entire life cycle of the data from its collection, processing, archiving, and sharing.

The HDS certification guarantees that the third parties managing this critical electronic healthcare data in France can be trusted.  HDS ensures that the data processer operates under strict security and confidentiality parameters.

EDICOM is one of the authorized hosting providers for the French healthcare system. EDICOM is also certified as a qualified trusted third-party service provider according to the eIDAS regulation. eIDAS defines how the integrity and authenticity of a document must be managed and how the long term archiving of documents must be guaranteed.

EDICOM’s Long Term Archiving solution (EDICOMLta) enables the management and legally sanctioned storage of electronic documents through a web portal with guaranteed availability and access.

The solution grants legal guarantees to documents through the application of identification mechanisms, digital signatures, validations and time stamps in compliance with the eIDAS regulation, guaranteeing documents’ authenticity and integrity in the long term.

EDICOMLta and its compliance guarantees regarding the processing of archived data according to HDS, make EDICOM a top electronic archiving supplier for the French healthcare system.

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