SAF-T declaration in Romania
Since 2022 all companies in Romania must declare their tax information electronically through SAF-T
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Declare your tax information through the SAF-T system in Romania
The National Tax Administration Agency - ANAF has decided to digitize its tax system through the declaration of tax and accounting information through the SAF-T system. The new electronic filing system aims to facilitate fiscal control and tax compliance.
What companies must declare SAF-T in Romania?
All Romanian and foreign companies with a presence in the country regardless of having a tax identification number.
January 1, 2022
Large taxpayers.
July 1, 2022
Companies considered Large Taxpayers as of January 1, 2022
January 2023
Medium taxpayers.
Small taxpayers.
What information must be declared to the ANAF?
Tax and accounting information must be declared in the SAFT D406 Standard Tax Control File format encrusted in a PDF. The ANAF has defined three different archives to declare:

Declaration D406
Report with monthly tax and accounting information following the applicable VAT tax period.

Declaration D406 Assets
Annual report with information about assets.

D406 stock
Declaration with information about stock upon request by ANAF.
EDICOM SAFT Romania Solution
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