EDI Protocols: VAN, AS2, OFTP, SFTP…
EDI connectivity for the secure transmission of your electronic documents.
EDI communication protocols
One of the keys to exchanging EDI documents or messages lies in communication. The procedure, or the techniques used to get the information from a sending EDI solution to a receiving EDI solution, makes up the EDI messaging protocols. In the case of Electronic Data Interchange, these have specific features and characteristics.
There are several EDI communication protocols. Some are adapted to the particular needs of an industry, meeting the security, non-repudiation, traceability and integration requirements for the exchange of structured EDI transactions between two business partners. These are some of the most commonly used communication protocols in EDI:
VAN – Value-Added Network
These are private networks for the specific exchange of EDI documents. Value-added networks form a closed environment to which partners connect their EDI solutions for document exchange.
This type of network offers high levels of security and evidence of delivery and processing of EDI messages at destination. As these are private environments, in order to avoid leaving out a certain number of strategic partners who are not connected to a specific network, the most important networks in the world establish interconnection agreements. This makes it possible to exchange EDI documents between partners from different VANs.
EDICOMNet, the VAN developed by EDICOM, is a specific private communications service that guarantees connectivity between connected users, as well as with partners outside the network thanks to its interconnection agreements and multiprotocol capabilities.
AS2 – AS3 – AS4
AS stands for Applicability Statement. The number accompanying these letters is the version of the communications protocol developed by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).
This protocol was born in 2002 and is designed for the secure exchange of messages over the Internet through https, with encryption and digital signature, to guarantee the privacy and authenticity of the data sent and received.
AS2, AS3 or AS4 communications require messages to be transmitted through one AS server and received by another AS server. The destination server must accept receipt of the documents from that particular source. Both servers operate on the basis of specific rules that include the issuance of send request and acceptance messages as a step prior to the transmission of a document. They also require confirmation of final receipt when the EDI document arrives at the destination server.
EDICOM's AS communications solution exempts your company from implementing, configuring and maintaining this type of service.
OFTP – Odette File Transfer Protocol
This communications protocol was developed in the 80s by the association linked to the ODETTE automotive sector. It is now one of the most widely used in the industry for the exchange of EDI documents, as well as other sensitive and large files such as engineering specifications in CAD/CAM format.
The OFTP2 protocol went into production in 2010, providing more versatility and fortitude to the communication system, with notable advantages such as:
- Increased data compression capacity.
- Communication security management through SSL/TLS, identification, signature, encryption, etc.
- Management of large files (more than 500 Gb).
OFTP communications require documents to be sent and received by servers using the same protocol. It is necessary to configure, maintain and constantly manage these servers to properly manage the multiple parameters involved in the transfer of these types of documents and messages.
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