Tax Authority
Financial Administration.
Slovenia is one of the most advanced countries for electronic invoicing in the European Union. It has been in use since 2001 when the chamber of commerce created a national standard. Currently, the electronic invoice is only mandatory for B2G transactions.
Financial Administration.
Since 2015 electronic invoicing has been mandatory for all public entities and their suppliers.
Electronic invoices can be sent in the national format e-Slog 2.0 or in the UBL 2.1. (PEPPOL BIS 3.0) format.
Not mandatory.
10 years.
Contact one of our e-invoicing specialists.
EDICOM Group will use the personal data collected to answer questions/or manage the services requested. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, restriction and portability of your data in accordance with the provisions in the Privacy Policy.
Slovenia has two central platforms to recieve electronic invoices depending on the function of the public institution. The Uprava republike Slovenije za javna Plačila (UPJ) platform (Public Payment Administration) for institutions catalogued as “Budget users”, and the Exchange HUB for entities categorized as “non-budget users”. Both platforms are connected to the PEPPOL network.
The technical and legal requirements for e-Invoicing are different in each country. If you want to know the details and tax obligations of any particular country, just click on the map or choose a country from the dropdown list.
Stay ahead of the key dates on entry into force of tax and e-invoicing obligations around the world.
EDICOM Group will use the personal data collected to answer questions/or manage the services requested. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, restriction and portability of your data in accordance with the provisions in the Privacy Policy.