Tax Authority
Servicio de Impuestos Internos (SII). Electronic invoicing is regulated by the Internal Revenue Service (SII),which is the entity responsible for accrediting taxpayers as issuers and receivers of DTE.
Automate your process of issuing and receiving Documentos Tributarios Electrónicos (DTE) in Chile.
Chile pioneered the development of an e-Invoice system (e-Factura) in 2003, becoming a benchmark for other consolidated Latin American systems like Brazil and Mexico. Despite being the precusor, widespread implementation by the Internal Revenue Service/Servicio de Impuestos Internos (SII) only began in 2014, concluding in February 2018 with the incorporation of rural microenterprises. During this time, physical and paper documents were replaced by various Electronic Tax Documents/Documentos Tributarios Electrónicos (DTE) as mandated by the legislation.
Servicio de Impuestos Internos (SII). Electronic invoicing is regulated by the Internal Revenue Service (SII),which is the entity responsible for accrediting taxpayers as issuers and receivers of DTE.
Electronic invoicing is mandatory for 100% of companies, both as issuers and receivers.
A prior application process is required to be accredited as an electronic issuer and obtain a digital certificate. Following the application, the taxpayer must undergo a certification process, where a test environment will be enabled for simulations and information exchanges. The SII will verify the correct generation and reception of documents. Once all requirements are met, the SII will register the taxpayer as a DTE issuer.
Electronic Tax Document/Documento Tributario Electrónico (DTE), in XML structured format. In Chile, the most relevant mandatory DTEs include: Invoices, Non-Affected or Exempt Invoices, Purchase Invoices, Invoice Settlements, Debit Notes, Credit Notes, Dispatch Guides, Export Invoices, Export Credit Notes, and Export Debit Notes.
The electronic signature is mandatory, it must be applied with a proprietary digital certificate and in XMLDsig format.
The taxpayer manages some Folio Authorization Codes/Códigos de Autorización de Folios (CAF) that must be incorporated when issuing electronic invoices. CAF includes a private key to encrypt the electronic stamp generated from a predefined data string containing invoice information. This stamp facilitates the validation of the document.
Standardized print format, must include a PDF417 barcode.
Mandatory archive of invoices for 6 years for both issuers and receivers.
The SII has replaced the declaration of Purchase and Sales Books with the monthly declaration of the F29 document that the SII itself sends to companies for ratification.
Contact one of our electronic invoicing specialists.
EDICOM Group will use the personal data collected to answer questions/or manage the services requested. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, restriction and portability of your data in accordance with the provisions in the Privacy Policy.
Obtain the necessary data from the client's ERP to generate the DTE in the XML standard established by the SII. Apply data validation mechanisms to ensure they contain the required information.
Invoices are assigned a CAF (Código de Autorización de Folios/Folio Authorization Code) based on the corresponding folio range used and the electronic signature is applied to the structured XML document.
After validating the declared DTE with the SII, EDICOM automatically sends the DTEs to each recipient through secure and reliable communication channels (private VAN, EDI gateway, https, sftp, x400, OFTP, AS2, AS4).
Electronically archive invoices with full security and accessibility guarantees for a legal period of 6 years, generating a printed format according to the technical rules required by the SII.
An Electronic Tax Document (DTE) is an electronic document that supports commercial and tax operations, such as invoices, credit and debit notes, dispatch guides, among others, and is legally valid.
The authenticity of an electronic invoice is verified through the issuer's electronic signature and SII's validation.
In Chile, the most relevant mandatory Documentos Tributarios Electrónicos/Electronic Tax Documents are: Invoices, Non-Affected or Exempt Invoices, Purchase Invoices, Invoice Settlements, Debit Notes, Credit Notes, Dispatch Guides, Export Invoices, Export Credit Notes, and Export Debit Notes.
The electronic invoices in Chile can be claimed by the recipient within a maximum period of 8 days from receipt to the SII. Once the 7 days have elapsed without any action having been taken on the electronic document, it will be understood that the invoice has been irrevocably accepted. In order to consult the information on the invoices claimed, the issuer needs a solution that connects to the SII to keep track of what is happening with its electronic invoices.
If invoices haven't been received from suppliers, the companies cannot review and corroborate the data. If the 8-day period has expired, the SII automatically considers the invoice as valid and incorporates it into the proposed F29 VAT return. Clearly, data inconsistencies with the SII will lead to discrepancies in the F29.
EDICOM's solution is capable of detecting inconsistencies between the Form F29 and the DTEs received through daily and automated cross-checking of the invoices issued by suppliers to the SII. The solution itself compares information of the invoice in the client's ERP with the invoice data received by the SII to check that it matches. In the case that an invoice is detected in the SII but not the ERP, an alert is issued.
The electronic receipt is the proof of purchase of a good or service received by the final consumer. Each electronic receipt generated must be sent to the SII within a maximum of one hour. In addition to electronic receipts, taxpayers must generate a monthly declaration of purchases and sales, sent by the SII itself to companies for ratification.
The technical and legal requirements for electronic invoicing are different and vary by country. If you want to learn about the details and tax obligations of any particular country, select a country from the dropdown list.
Stay ahead of the key dates on entry into force of tax and e-invoicing obligations around the world.
EDICOM Group will use the personal data collected to answer questions/or manage the services requested. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, restriction and portability of your data in accordance with the provisions in the Privacy Policy.