In Spain, electronic invoicing is mandatory in the public administration sector. The Law 25/2013 regulates the issuance of invoices in the Facturae format in commercial relationships between the administration and its suppliers since 2015. From 2018, this obligation also extends to subcontractors and contractors working with the public administration, who must electronically send their invoices through the FACe platform when the amount exceeds €5,000.
In the B2B sector, the Proyecto de Real Decreto (Draft Royal Decree), developed under Law 18/2022, establishes electronic invoicing as the sole permissible system allowed in commercial transactions between companies. The technical regulation for B2B electronic invoicing in Spain is expected to be approved in 2024, and its implementation will be extended gradually during 2025/2026 depending on companies' invoicing volumes.
B2G: Facturae, this is a structured format (XML) that suppliers and creditors are obliged to generate in their dealings with the public administration.
B2B: The accepted formats for invoicing between companies are: XML CII, UBL, EDIFACT, and Facturae (TBC).