Tax Authority
SAT - Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria.
Currently in a progressive implementation phase based on the size and sector of companies. Guatemalan tax authority (SAT) has defined the compliance timeline and the taxpayer segments that must comply with the electronic invoicing system (FEL).
Through resolution No. SAT-DSI-838-2019 published on September 2019 all companies that provide individual services must comply with the FEL system.
SAT - Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria.
All those indicated by the SAT must comply. The SAT will consider the invoicing volume, revenue, economic sector, and special tax regime status, and other criterium.
The taxpayer will apply as an electronic invoice issuer in the FEL system and will contract the services of a certifier. The certifiers must register with the SAT to act as a DTE certifier. This authorization must be renewed yearly.
The digital signature is mandatory for electronic invoices as an authenticity mechanism.
The certifier generates an authorization number and associates it to the document before sending it to the SAT.
It is regulated and requires the representation of the CAE and the identification of the certifier.
The SAT will archive all invoices. This does not exempt issuers and recipients from archiving the XML documents for the period established by the tax code. Certifiers are also obligated to archive the XML’s of certified DTEs and their corresponding acknowledgements.
Contact one of our e-invoicing specialists.
EDICOM Group will use the personal data collected to answer questions/or manage the services requested. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, restriction and portability of your data in accordance with the provisions in the Privacy Policy.
You must apply to voluntarily join the FEL system. You must register as an issuer in the virtual tax agency, through the option stating “Habilitarse como emisor” available in the “Agencia Virtual/Factura Electrónica en Línea (FEL)”.
You must issue a DTE with the export compliment.
It is mandatory to deliver the invoice to the recipient. However, you have two options for the delivery of the DTE:
Once registered the issuer has two options:
A new modality enabling taxpayers to issue invoices and other tax documents (DTE) securely and with immediate online authorization by the SAT.
It is one of 10 defined electronic documents authorized by the SAT that are exchanged in the FEL system.
Factura, Factura cambiaria, Factura especial, Factura de pequeño contribuyente, Factura cambiaria de pequeño contribuyente, Nota de crédito, Nota de débito, Nota de abono, Recibo and Recibo por donación.
No, you must determine which documents apply to your business.
The issuer, the certifier, the recipient, and the SAT.
The SAT issues a digital certificate which can be used with the help of an authorized certifier or the SAT’s virtual agency.
The authorization is automatically assigned to every electronic document issued the moment it is certified, there are no pre-authorized folios.
Any issuer who would like to, particularly those with large invoice volumes making it impractical to manually work with the SAT’s virtual agency.
Registering as an electronic invoice issuer and obtaining the digital certificate has no cost as it isssued by the SAT to each invoice issuer.
The technical and legal requirements for e-Invoicing are different in each country. If you want to know the details and tax obligations of any particular country, just click on the map or choose a country from the dropdown list.
Stay ahead of the key dates on entry into force of tax and e-invoicing obligations around the world.
EDICOM Group will use the personal data collected to answer questions/or manage the services requested. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, restriction and portability of your data in accordance with the provisions in the Privacy Policy.