Tax Authority
DGI - Dirección General Impositiva.
Automate your electronic invoicing process in Uruguay.
In Uruguay, electronic invoices are known as Comprobantes Fiscales Electrónicos (CFE), or referred to as Electronic Fiscal Documents in English. The electronic invoicing system in Uruguay is known as the Régimen de Documentación mediante Comprobantes Fiscales Electrónicos, managed by the tax administration la Dirección General Impositiva (DGI), who is responsible for handling the process of issuing, reception, and storage of these documents. The DGI established a schedule to determine which obligated entities should start issuing electronic invoices, commencing implementation in 2016 and was gradually extending its use to different groups of companies until 2022.
DGI - Dirección General Impositiva.
Mandatory for taxpayers.
It is necessary to complete an administrative registration and certification process with the DGI. To do so, one must be a passive taxpayer of some taxes regulated by the DGI and have an authorized invoicing provider to manage the fiscal documents and electronically sign documents using digital certificates.
The Comprobante Fiscal Electronico (CFE) is a structured document in XML format defined by the DGI.
Advanced digital signatures are mandatory.
The taxpayer manages various CAE folios to number electronic invoices and declare them to the DGI. Once the DGI accepts them the invoice can delivered to the recipient.
Regulated format using a digital seal represented un a QR code with tax information enabling the invoice to be verified.
Mandatory for issuers and recipients for 5 years.
The taxpayer must manage a daily account of issued and received CFEs, called the CFE book.
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EDICOM Group will use the personal data collected to answer questions/or manage the services requested. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, restriction and portability of your data in accordance with the provisions in the Privacy Policy.
Obtain the necessary data from the client's ERP to transform the data into the XML standard established by the DGI, and apply data validation mechanisms to ensure it contains the necessary information.
Advanced electronic signatures are applied to each document. The taxpayer manages different CAEs (Constancia de Autorización de Emisión/Authorization Certificates of Issuance) to number their invoices and declare them to the DGI.
After validation from the DGI, EDICOM automatically sends the CFE to each recipient via secure and reliable communication channels (private VAN, EDI gateway, https, sftp, x400, OFTP, AS2, AS4).
Electronically archive the documents with full security and accessibility guarantees during the legal 5 year period, for both the sender and the receiver.
The list of all authorized electronic issuers is publicly available on the DGI's Portal de eFactura (e-Invoice Portal) for free access. In addition, electronic issuers have access to an updated list with their corresponding email addresses declared to the DGI for communication between issuer and recipient, which can be downloaded on a daily basis.
A unique format was defined for the CFE based on the XML standard, with mandatory, optional, or conditional zones and attributes depending on the type of CFE. The information considered in the definition of the formats is that which is specific to the transaction and that is necessary for the sender and receiver. If there is other information that the sender/receiver requires and that is not included in the format defined by DGI, it can be included in the Addenda Zone, which is not sent to DGI.
CAE stands for Constancia de Autorización de Emisión or Authorization Certificate of Issuance in English. It is an XML file containing the numbering range enabled by the DGI for each type of CFE.
Taxpayers authorized to document their operations using CFE may request the authorization certificate of issuance (CAE) after receiving the communication authorizing them as electronic issuers.
The issuer, prior to sending the document to the electronic recipient, transporting goods, or delivering the printed representation to the non-electronic recipient, the issuer must send each issued document to the DGI. In the case of the e-Factura de exportación (Export e-Invoice) and its correction notes and the export e-Remito (e-Remittance) the issuer must send each related CFE prior to the transportation of the goods, to the delivery of printed representation, or submission to la Dirección Nacional de Aduanas (National Customs Directorate).
Daily reports are a consolidated summary of all electronic fiscal documents and contingency documents issued during the day that are sent to the DGI. These reports are generated as soon as the company is authorized by the DGI.
The advanced electronic signature is the digital substitute for the handwritten signature that accompanies an electronic fiscal document. It originates from the document, and allows to verify the electronic issuer's identity with certainty, maintaining the integrity of the electronic fiscal document, and preventing the electronic issuer from denying its authorship or repudiating it.
It is the representation of a CFE in an image or PDF format that complies with format established for the printed representation “Formato de los CFE/ CFE Format''. This document includes a digital seal represented in a QR code with fiscal information of the document, and can be printed as many times as necessary.
The technical and legal requirements for electronic invoicing are different and vary by country. If you want to learn about the details and tax obligations of any particular country, select a country from the dropdown list.
EDICOM Group will use the personal data collected to answer questions/or manage the services requested. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, restriction and portability of your data in accordance with the provisions in the Privacy Policy.