Tax Authority
Комитет государственных доходов Министерства финансов
Kazakhstan implemented electronic invoicing in 2016. The government provides taxpayers with a central platform (EIIS) to validate invoices and distribute them to recipients.
Комитет государственных доходов Министерства финансов
Since 2019 electronic invoicing is mandatory for all taxpayers. The Electronic Invoicing Information System (EIIS) platform is responsible for validating invoices, assigning them a number, distributing invoices to recipients and archiving them.
In order to issue invoices, taxpayers must register on the platform.
Invoices must be electronically signed. The certificates for the signature must be issued by a local certification authority.
Electronic invoices must be stored for at least 5 years. The EIIS platform stores invoices during this period.
Contact one of our e-invoicing specialists.
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The technical and legal requirements for e-Invoicing are different in each country. If you want to know the details and tax obligations of any particular country, just click on the map or choose a country from the dropdown list.
EDICOM Group will use the personal data collected to answer questions/or manage the services requested. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, restriction and portability of your data in accordance with the provisions in the Privacy Policy.