Keep track of all the news about electronic invoicing, eTax, EDI and digital transformation.

Which EDI message are used in the logistics sector?

 logistics sector edi
In this post we discussed the different types of messages that make it possible to use this system in the logistics world

Automate Reporting of Issued and Received Invoices with the i.SAF System in Lithuania

 i.SAF system Lithuania
The i.SAF file is declared electronically on a monthly basis prior to the 20th of the following month.

Blockchain and Electronic Data Archiving: Evidence Protection

Blockchain and Long Term Archiving documents
EDICOM Long Term Archiving uses blockchain tecnology in order to manage integrity evidences protecting critical documents.

Keys to a Successful EDI Project Implementation

EDI Project Implementation
The choice of tech provider is one of the critical aspects of rolling out an EDI project in a company

Connect with Amazon and other e-Commerce platforms via EDI

EDI in the fashion industry
Information control and analysis is key to tracking each stage involved in sales, from order reception to final delivery,

B2G e-Invoicing with Public Administrations in Europe (White Paper)

B2G e-Invoicing Europe
Download the White Paper on e-Invoicing with Public Administrations in the European Union

The EU-funded initiative Govein launches its second project, GOV2EU

EU-funded initiative Govein
24 participants have joined this EU-funded project framed within Europe’s CEF TELECOM e-Invoicing initiative

EDI Implementation Worldwide: Europe, USA, Latin America

Worldwide EDI - International EDI
EDI has evolved differently in each region of the world. In this post, we go over the models rolled out in Europe, the Unit