Simplify and centralize the management of issued and received invoices in a Shared Services Center

The proliferation of Shared Services Centers (SSC) as a working system in large corporations allows them to reduce costs and standardize processes. But to achieve this, it is necessary to work with a technology that boosts process optimization and efficiency.
SSCs centralize processes and activities in a single business unit and/or region which were previously dispersed throughout the organization in different departments and even geographical locations. The most common activities are usually human resources, purchasing or finances, among others.
One of the main hurdles facing an SSC in terms of purchasing is the exchange of commercial documents. How to centralize and unify the management of AR and AP invoices?
Solutions based on electronic data interchange (EDI) are an important alliance which, among other things, allow you to manage e-Invoicing in different scenarios and comply with specific requirements.
At EDICOM, we provide customized solutions adapted to commercial and fiscal needs of a company through technological solutions that help achieve:
- Standardized message content.
- Automated management of documents.
- Integration in the client’s ERP.
- Information exchanges with senders and receivers that do not have EDI technology.
Several situations may arise in an SSC when it comes to managing -issuing or receiving- electronic invoices, for example:
- Receiving invoices or other documents from organization departments digitized in PDF format, in other words, electronically, but not in a structured format and in standard language.
- Issuing invoices to customers without an EDI solution.
- Having suppliers that issue invoices to us and do not have EDI solutions.
EDI solutions constitute a great competitive edge which is enhanced the more they are used and the higher the number of transactions taking place. This is why increasing numbers of businesses are calling on their suppliers to work with EDI technology so that they can be integrated in their B2B platforms. However, the ideal scenario does not always occur in B2B environments, where we usually find varied levels in terms of the use of technologies.
EDICOM solutions are designed to provide a response to the different scenarios and make the most of the commitment to electronic data archiving. Favouring the intensive use of its communications platform and improving the efficiency of the client's administrative processes.
How to simplify electronic invoice management in an SSC?
Documents received in PDF
To automate and integrate documents received by the SSC in PDF format, the solution is to digitize the document through an optical character recognition process. This is done using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software which transforms the content into a structured message, with a suitable language for electronic data exchange. Once this information is transformed, EDICOM integrates it in the client’s ERP.
Integrating information in an ERP allows automatic processing of the data, which at the same time has an impact on time saving and elimination of errors.
Sending invoices to customers without EDI solutions
If you have clients or customers without EDI technology, EDICOM has developed the Business@Mail. This system lets you send e-invoices and other documents to partners that do not have an EDI technology solution.
The main features of Business@Mail are:
- The service is free of charge for the recipient.
- It is based on providing the recipients of with an online environment accessible via a web browser, from which all the documents made available by the publisher, in this case the Shared Services Center, can be consulted, downloaded or printed.
- The system is secure and immediate, which also favours invoice traceability, as the issuer controls the information status (sent, published and received).
How does Business@Mail work?
The sender’s ERP connects with the web portal and transfers the document data, for example, the e-invoice, preserving the security mechanisms such as the e-signature; the document is then forwarded to the Business@Mail service. The recipient receives an e-mail notifying the availability of documents in the portal addressed to them. The recipient accesses the portal using the links included in the notice received. The receiver's access to the document generates read acknowledgements.
Receiving invoices from clients without EDI solutions
Through the Web Portal, clients without EDI solutions are connected and can generate electronic invoices that the SSC receives and can integrate automatically into the ERP. It is designed to integrate suppliers with lower turnover, who usually send their documents by other means such as e-mail.
The portal is accessed via the web, and the user creates the documents using predefined templates.
The invoices registered in these portals are automatically integrated into the ERP of the receiving client, saving time and reducing operating costs.
Both in the case of Business@Mail and the web portal, the aim is to assume an active role, providing your customers or suppliers with easy access web solutions, from which they can generate or receive basic transactions, such as e-invoices or orders.
With the solutions from EDICOM, a Shared Services Center with an EDI platform for communicating with the different company departments or offices, in addition to those of your partners, you are ready to deal with any technological scenario.
EDICOM, the value added to your services
EDICOM provides other essential services in a digitalization and working environment based on electronic data exchange: the archiving of e-documents.
Long-term electronic archiving of all documents constitutes a significant added value, as it closes the paperless system cycle. EDICOMLta is the long-term archiving service offered by EDICOM as a qualified trust services provider.
This solution has been developed to ensure the preservation and integrity of documents over time, especially those that are subject to legal requirements, such as electronic invoices.
In short, EDICOM's experience in the development of global projects guarantees that its clients are ready to:
- Approach business relationships with any partner with total technical guarantees.
- Manage information in electronic format from a single centralized platform, automatically and immediately and integrated into the ERP.
- Implement scalable solutions that adapt to the current and future needs of the organization.
EDICOM coordinates HOSP&INVOICE project (Action No: 2017-EU-IA-0146).