Keep track of all the news about electronic invoicing, eTax, EDI and digital transformation.

Tools and technology for the management of large EDI projects

EDI projects
Collaborative technology and methodology for the agile management of large EDI projects with international scope

How ESG is transforming the business world

How ESG is transforming the business world
The ESG approach is a way of assessing the sustainability of a company's investment by looking at specific criteria.

e-Invoicing and e-Tax Compliance in Africa

09/12/2022 (updated)
fe africa
We analyze the state of e-Invoicing in Africa and the latest developments in e-Tax compliance.

Sustainable Digitalization Can Help Facilitate a Green Transition

Sustainable Digitalization
Benefits of sustainable digitalization through a digital transformation model

VAT in the Digital Age – Conclusions of the European Commission's DDR Study

VAT in the Digital Age
The European Commission has released the final report from the public consultation that was launched in 2020

What is the GLN code for and why is it relevant to your business?

Global Location Number
The electronic exchange of data between partners requires the GLN, a 13-digit company-specific identifier

Bahrain Plans To Introduce Electronic Invoicing

Bahrain electronic invoicing
Bahrain is starting to develop its own e-invoicing system which could be implemented as soon as 2024 (date to be confirmed)

Keys to Electronic Invoicing in Serbia

06/10/2022 (updated)
electronic invoicing in Serbia
Serbia launches mandatory B2G e-invoicing

10 phases for the migration of an EDI platform

migration of an EDI platform
Millions of messages, thousands of partners, hundreds of integrations... migrating your entire EDI platform

Asia-Pacific: Status of e-Invoicing and Electronic Tax Reporting

21/09/2022 (updated)
Asia-Pacific: e-Invoicing
From Japan to New Zealand, the APAC region is accelerating the implementation of e-Invoicing requirements