EDICOM Blog | Electronic Invoicing

The electronic invoice is currently in its global heyday. The optimization of management processes and its capacity to improve tax and accounting controls have made it into the clear preference of companies and governments.

Through our blog, we will give you the latest updates surrounding the electronic invoice globally. You can also find information about every country’s e-invoicing process on the electronic invoicing website.

EDICOM’s Invoicing Connector is Now Available in the Oracle Marketplace

ORACLE EDICOM Connector einvoicing
Oracle Opera users can now invoice electronically through their ERP thanks to a native integration with EDICOM

New Electronic Invoicing System in Albania

Electronic Invoicing Albania
Albania begins an overhaul of its tax system through a mandatory real time electronic invoicing system

EDIHOSP Project Has Concluded

e-invoicing hospitals
EDICOM has implemented electronic invoicing in 16 hospitals in Portugal and Hungary.

EDIHOSP Implements Electronic Invoicing in 16 European Hospitals in Portugal and Hungary

Electronic Invoicing in European Hospitals
The project promotes the exchange of electronic invoices between European hospitals

Brazil Makes Changes to the Electronic Fiscal Note

einvoicing brazil
The SEFAZ published Technical Note 2020 006 V1.0, introducing new requirements that enter into force on April 5th. 

10 Benefits to Your Business From Electronic Invoicing

benefits Electronic Invoicing
Discover all the advantages of electronic invoicing and why more and more companies are using it

EDICOM Is Certified as a Peppol Access Point in Australia and New Zealand

PEPPOL Australia and New Zealand
EDICOM has been accredited as an access point in Australia and New Zealand by the PEPPOL authorities in each country

Argentina: VAT withholding certificates must be issued electronically through the SIRE system

argentina VAT
AFIP has implemented a new electronic system for issuing withholding certificates and collecting Value Added Tax (VAT)

2020 Roadmap: the Advance of E-Invoicing in Europe and Latin America, and Launch in New Markets

einvocing worldwide
E-invoicing continues its unstoppable advance across the globe. Discover the latest in e-invoicing and the foremost changes

Implementation of Govein 19 Is Succeeding across Europe

Govein 19 europe
The GOVEIN19 project has implemented an eInvoicing solution for hospitals from Belgium, Poland, Portugal, and Hungary