Electronic Invoicing

Implementation of Govein 19 Is Succeeding across Europe

Govein 19 europe

The GOVEIN19 project, European hospitals adopting the eInvoicing Directive, has implemented an e-Invoicing solution for hospitals from Belgium, Poland, Portugal, and Hungary. Each hospital is now able to receive and process cross-border electronic invoices, complying with the European Standard as mandated by the eInvoicing Directive (2014/55/EU). This directive, among other measures, provided for the obligation to implement the European electronic invoice between the Public Sector and its suppliers.

The project will end in October 2021  and will allow the entities involved better management, better control of their resources and recording of transactions with third-party institutions and interoperability with the health system throughout Europe, which is taking on great challenges after the COVID-19 pandemic.

EDICOM, the Spanish company coordinating this project, and the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia supported the clients to follow the EU e-Invoicing Directive with its B2B Cloud Platform which is aligned with the European Standard (OASIS UBL 2.1 and UN/CEFACT CII).

GOVEIN 19 is co-funded by the HADEA Agency of the European Commission, through the Connecting Europe Facility Programme in Telecom CEF Telecom an instrument designed to facilitate cross-border interaction between public bodies, businesses, and citizens.


EDICOM coordinates GOVEIN2019 project (Action No: 2019-EU-IA-0046)


*The contents of this publication belong solely to EDICOM GROUP and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.

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