EDICOM Blog | Compliance

Companies invest a large part of their revenues to ensure that their internal management procedures comply with legal requirements. Compliance is different in every country, sector and company. We will help you keep up with all the news about new technical and legal obligations in our blog. You can also discover all our solutions in our compliance website.

Public Authorities in Denmark to Manage Orders and Catalogs Electronically

Denmark electronic orders
The Danish Chamber of Commerce plans to roll out the mandatory use of electronic orders and catalogs beginning 1st January

The Hungarian Tax Authority NAV Is Set to Require the Saf-T Format for Data Reporting

hungria nav saft
NAV has organized a pilot project involving large enterprises and tech providers, including EDICOM to implement the SAF-T

Automate Reporting of Issued and Received Invoices with the i.SAF System in Lithuania

 i.SAF system Lithuania
The i.SAF file is declared electronically on a monthly basis prior to the 20th of the following month.