Electronic Invoicing

The EU-funded initiative Govein launches its second project, GOV2EU

EU-funded initiative Govein

The European e-Invoicing initiative Govein has launched its second project called GOV2EU. A kick-off meeting at EDICOM’s headquarters in Valencia on October 3rd, 2017 shows that the implementation of the project is underway. The Govein initiative aims at enhancing e-Invoicing among the public administrations to ease the adoption of the e-Invoicing Regulation which comes into force in November 2018.

For the GOV2EU phase, 24 participants have joined this EU-funded project framed within Europe’s CEF TELECOM e-Invoicing initiative, coming from Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, France, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Belgium and Italy.

At this kick-off meeting, best practices from the first Govein project and experiences about EDI in the public sector were shared. The timeline and planning for the first actions were also set, which begin with the roll out of the technical tasks by EDICOM in order to implement the required solution.

Also, specific meetings with every participant were carried out by our experts so that our Project Managers could explain in detail the launching of their technical tasks. For each participant in the consortium, EDICOM will implement a multi-syntax solution able to handle e-Invoicing in multiple standards, according to the needs of each participant and the specifications detailed in the European regulation, in order to achieve semantically interoperable electronic documents in the EU scope.

Through these projects, the implementation costs of European Electronic Invoicing will be subsidized in accordance with the requirements set for both in Directive 2014/55/EU and in European Regulation eIDAS.

By the end of 2018 and before the entry into force of the Directive, these 24 participants will be able to use an integrated e-Invoicing solution, automated with their ERP and their invoicing processes with their suppliers.

After having this solution implemented, it will be much easier and faster for these public administrations to extend the use of the EDI solution to not just receiving invoices, but also to send orders and receive other commercial documents exchanged with suppliers. All this, with the goal of making communications between businesses more efficient, immediate and secure.

Timeline of the projects led by EDICOM:

  • First Govein project: finishes October 30, 2017.
  • Second project, GOV2EU: starts September 1, 2017
  • Third Project, EU B2G e-Invoicing: Call for participations, deadline for submissions - November 2017. Contact us for more information.

About Govein

Govein is an R+D+i initiative designed to encourage development of e-Invoicing in the European Public Sector, and particularly in the healthcare scope. We must remember that next year Directive 2014/55/EU comes into force for all member states. This regulation requires the use of e-invoicing in public procurement through a common European standard ensuring interoperability.

EDICOM, as Certification Authority and qualified trust service provider, is responsible for managing and leading the project, with the support of European Management Consulting EMC. To this end, they have developed a multi-standard solution, which integrates with corporate ERPs and follows the specifications of the new European regulation and the PEPPOL standard for exchanging messages with public administrations.

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