Digital Transformation

What are SaaS Technologies?

SaaS Technologies Software as a Service

SaaS (Software as a Service) is a system of services in the cloud. In this modality users access third party services through the internet. The software is not physically installed in the client’s hardware systems. Applications and data are all housed in an external server.

The SaaS model is part of the broader cloud computing concept, where services and structures are housed in the cloud as platforms, and information platforms to store files or programs, all accessible through the internet.

This cloud service modality can complement or become a replacement to the on-premises modality where infrastructure and programs are installed in a company’s local servers.

Advantages of SaaS

  • Economic savings. Services in SaaS modality imply a greater return on investment than the traditional license and local installation of a program. Other advantages come from constant updates, maintenance, and scalability.
  • Working with SaaS applications enable companies to expand their services with new solutions that improve or complement the service, like increasing storage and processing capacity easily as a company expands.
  • SaaS providers vouch for the data security of companies that use these kinds of solutions. Normally, platforms are accredited by various certifications and contracts with clients the integrity and confidentiality of data through mechanisms like encryption and digital signatures.
  • SaaS enables access to the applications from anywhere and by any registered user through usernames, passwords and two factor authentication.
  • Maintenanace and updates. SaaS solutions usually have continuous maintenance and updates that guarantee their correct functionality and avoid their obsoletion which happens with locally installed solutions.

An example of SaaS would be EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) solutions offered by EDICOM.

This kind of solution implies the delegation of all hardware and software resources to maintain a B2B e-commerce project. The service provider maintains the technological infrastructure to guarantee the optimal functioning of the application

Under this management model EDICOM offers the EDICOM Platform. A technology platform with software developed by EDICOM, constantly updated hardware, communications systems, and management systems that enable the electronic exchange of commercial data between companies.

How Does EDICOM’s Platform Work?

The entirety of the EDI platform is in the cloud, there is no need for any local installation and the user does not have to install anything. The platform’s go-live and maintenance is performed by the cloud service provider.

Through EDICOM’s  platform clients can access EDI, electronic invoicing, collaborative solutions CRP/VMI, data synchronization, XBRL financial information exchanges, digital signature services, and many more.

Clients only need an internet connection to access a secure portal that will enable them to operate all the tools and applications included in their solution.

EDICOM’s solutions are integrated with client’s ERP systems through secure protocols to transfer files between the ERP and EDICOM’s B2B cloud Platform. The integration enables quick processing and transformation of multiformat data structures sent or received with the management system.

The processing of large transaction volumes between companies can be performed without human intervention, rapidly and efficiently without any need to modify internal processes.

Service Level Agreement

EDICOM’s solutions reside in EDICOM’s servers which guarantees their uninterrupted function through 24x7 technical monitorization.

EDICOM offers customer service for the resolution of any questions or incidences through personalized attention in 7 different languages.

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