Electronic Invoicing

Keys to Electronic Invoicing in Serbia

electronic invoicing in Serbia

The use of electronic invoices and VAT reporting continues to be adopted worldwide. Several Eastern European countries are implementing processes related to taxation and electronic invoicing, such as Romania, Poland, Slovakia etc.

The Serbian Ministry of Finance has began the adoption of e-Invoicing in Serbia in accordance with the Law on Electronic Invoicing RS Official Gazette 44/2021, 129/2021). In the first phase, B2G e-Invoicing will be mandatory.

The Serbian government will use a national platform called eFaktura in order to manage the exchange of electronic invoices. Any company that is subject to VAT, including public bodies and VAT representatives of foreign companies, will be obligated to exchange e-Invoices.

Currently, there are three phases in the implementation timeline:

  • May 1, 2022: All suppliers in the public sector must send invoices electronically and the Serbian government must be able to receive and store them.
  • July 1, 2022: Serbian public entities are obliged to send electronic invoices to companies, which must be able to receive and process them.
  • January 1, 2023: e-invoicing will be extended to the entire B2B sector.

Serbian companies that are suppliers to public administrations will be required to send their invoices electronically to the eFaktura portal.  The format of the documents will be UBL 2.1. The obligation includes sending two types of messages: Invoices and credit notes. 

Global e-Invoicing Platform

You can simplify your electronic invoicing and tax compliance obligations with EDICOM’s automated and scalable platform. EDICOM’s solutions integrate with your systems, adapting to the requirements of the Public Administrations of those countries where you operate. 

We facilitate your organization’s operations by adapting the data structures of your accounting, tax, or invoices systems to the requirements of each country where your organization has subsidiaries or companies.

International VAT Compliance Platform

Comply with your tax obligations from a single platform. Companies can benefit from using a single, consistently updated platform to send VAT documents in accordance with the applicable legislation in each country.

EDICOM News Global | Find out more about Electronic Invoicing

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