Electronic Invoicing

New National Standard for the Electronic Invoice of Services in Brazil

Brazil electronic invoicing

The situation in Brazil in relation to the Electronic Fiscal Services Note (NFS-e) is defined by the fact that each municipality has the autonomy to define its standards and requirements which its taxpayers must follow. 

With this background scenario, each city developed its requirements to meet its specific needs, which ended up creating problems and difficulties for the NFS-e issuing companies operating in many cities, as they needed to adapt their systems to each of the standards, layouts and other requirements required by the municipalities. 

The creation of the NFS-e Agreement, on June 30, 2022, signed by Receita Federal Brasileira (RFB), Confederação Nacional dos Municipios (CNM) and other relevant associations, established the National System of NFS-e (Nota Fiscal de Serviço Eletrônica), with the objective of creating a national standard of NFS-e throughout the country. 

Among the most relevant features of the system are:

  • Public Web Issuer: Option to generate the NFS-e via Web Portal, easily and free of charge. 
  • Emisor Público Mobile: Simplified version of the web issuer, available for mobile applications. 
  • Issuance via API: Possibility of connectivity of the taxpayers' business systems with the servers of the National Finance Secretariat (SEFIN), in charge of approving the NFS-e. 
  • Declaração de Prestação de Prestação de Serviço (DPS): Previous document sent to SEFIN for approval and conversion into a NFS-e. (Replaces the concept of Recibo Provisório de Serviço (RPS), currently in force in the issuance of local NFS-e).
  • Nota Fiscal de Serviço Eletrônica (NFS-e): Document of digital existence, used to document service operations. 
  • NFS-e Events: Possibility of registering events in an already authorized NFS-e, such as: cancellation, substitution, correction letter, among others. 
  • Documento Nacional de Arrecadação (DNA): document for the collection of ISSQN taxes (Imposto Sobre Serviço de Qualquer Natureza) valid for all municipalities participating in the system. 
  • Ambientes de Dados Nacional (DNA): National repository of the NFS-e approved in this system. 
  • Portal da Nota Fiscal de Serviço Eletrônica: Environment for consultation of documents generated among other queries on the system. 

In addition to the features mentioned above, there are several modules to which municipalities can adhere after signing an agreement of interest in adoption (municipalities will continue to have the autonomy to adhere or not to this system), choosing the modules they are most interested in, except for the adherence to the National Data Environment (DNA), which will be mandatory.

In addition, the NFS-e issued in this system may be shared with the parties interested in this process (municipality, service taker, service provider, accountant, etc.). 
Another important aspect of joining the ADN is that if a given municipality does not want to stop its local NFS-e issuance process, it will be able to continue working in this way by committing to send the NFS-e received and approved from its taxpayers to the ADN, allowing local taxpayers to continue issuing their NFS-e in a single standard. 

The implementation of the National NFS-e System will follow 4 mandatory phases and one voluntary phase:

  1. Sign and send the Adhesion Form
  2.  Configure the Municipal Administration Panel website.
  3. Choose and use the products.
  4. Adapt the local legislation to the national standard.
  5. Adapt the local infrastructure to the national standard (optional).
  • Phase 1 (Sign and submit the Adhesion Term) came into effect on July 23, 2022, for only 5 pilot municipalities. 
  • The estimated date for the opening of the National Data Environment (DNA) to the other municipalities is September 15, 2022. 
  • The Municipal Portal will be available for the municipalities to formalize their adhesion to the program as of July 23, 2022. 
  • The links to access the portals will be available as of July 23, 2022.
  • With the first phase stabilized, the adoption schedule for the following phases will be defined. 

Due to the great benefits of the project, municipalities such as São Paulo, Salvador or Florianópolis have already joined the project, which will allow unifying and rationalizing the heterogeneity of current systems for issuing utility bills throughout the country, for better management and control of the process by the parties involved. 

EDICOM, ready for new billing scenarios

EDICOM is a technology partner specializing in Electronic Data Interchange and e-Invoicing solutions. It stands out for the great agility in adapting all its solutions to offer any type of requirement needed at a global level. This agility is thanks to its effective Change Management capacity, which allows it to adapt to any type of customer. 

The EDICOM International eInvoicing Platform solution allows accompanying taxpaying companies in the transition to the new electronic invoicing system in more than 70 countries.
EDICOM's international e-Invoicing platform is adapted to the specifications of the countries of origin and destination in which its customers operate and is constantly updated.

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