Electronic Invoicing

Directive 2014/55/EU: e-Invoicing in public procurement in Europe

Directive 2014/55/EU

Directive 2014/55/EU: e-Invoicing in public procurement in Europe

Europe has been betting for years on a technological leap to extend e-Procurement. For this purpose, Directive 2014/55/EU was born, which officially came into force on April 16, 2019. Through this directive, all European public administrations must be able to accept invoices in electronic format from their suppliers.

Thanks to the definition of open standards, companies can negotiate electronically with any European public sector purchaser and carry out procurement processes. In this way, the possibilities for contracting and, therefore, for business, are greater. The two CEN syntaxes are as follows:

  • UN/CEFACT XML message of invoice as specified in the XML 16B schemas (SCRDM - CII).
  • Invoice and credit note UBL messages as defined in ISO/IEC 19845:2015.

The European Commission is seeking views through a public consultation launched in March 2023 on the e-Invoicing Directive on the following topics:

  • Success in meeting its objectives;
  • Effects on the internal market;
  • Adoption in public procurement;
  • Costs and benefits for users of e-invoicing.
  • Consistency with other relevant EU initiatives, such as VAT in the digital age, the EU standardization strategy and the Building Block eDelivery specifications.

How does the Peppol network work?

With the aim of promoting interoperability, the European Peppol network is born and developed, based on an infrastructure between certified access points and applicable both in the public and private spheres and globally.

Accreditation as a Peppol Access Point or authorized third party enables EDICOM to connect to the Peppol platform, through which private companies and governments in Europe can exchange electronic documents of any kind. In addition, EDICOM also holds an SMP (Service Metadata Publisher) certification, enabling it to manage its own identifier infrastructure on the Peppol network connected to the SML (Service Metadata Locator).

eIDAS trust services to guarantee document integrity

EDICOM is a provider of qualified trust services for the issuance of qualified electronic certificates of electronic signature and electronic seal, issuance of time stamps and qualified service for the preservation of qualified electronic seals. We provide legal and juridical validity to documents, granting them the status of burden of proof before third parties within the framework of the European Union.

Thanks to the certification of the Qualified Electronic Seal Preservation service, EDICOM is able to preserve the legal conditions of documents and files archived with guarantees of authenticity and integrity over time through the EDICOMLta platform.


Contact our team of experts who will help you find the best B2G e-invoicing solution for your company.

EDICOM coordinates HOSP&INVOICE project (Action No: 2017-EU-IA-0146)

HOSP&INVOICE project (Action No: 2017-EU-IA-0146)

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