Electronic Invoicing,  Compliance

Brazil Makes the Use of the GTIN Code Mandatory in the e-Fiscal Note (NF-e)


As of September 12, 2022, using the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) on the e-Fiscal Note (NF e) is mandatory. As published in the new obligations, they were published in the Technical Note 2021.003 v1.20 by the Brazilian tax authority — SEFAZ (Secretaria da Fazenda Estadual). 

Updates included in version 1.20:

•    Verification by SEFAZ, through the Centralized Database of GTINs (CCG), of the validity of GTINs present in e-Invoices.
•    Increased verification of the existence of GTINs in the CCG for other types of merchandise related to the following industries: beverages and soft drinks, cement, perfume, personal hygiene and cosmetics.

The measure intends to increase the traceability of commercial operations involved in all production chains, from raw materials to the end consumer.

The use of the GTIN code, a 13-digit code provided by GS1 (formerly EAN/UCC), in the NF-e intends to provide more product information and their tax classifications, as it is a globally unique code. 

The mandatory use of this code is divided into different stages:

•    As of September 12, 2022, identification will be mandatory for pharmaceutical, toy, and tobacco industry products.
•    As of June 2023, the correct and valid GTIN code information will be required in all commercial transactions in all economic segments.

An important aspect to highlight is that if these codes do not appear in the XML of the e-Fiscal Note (NF-e), the Brazilian tax authority (SEFAZ) will reject the NF-e. 

On the other hand, these measures will not affect companies that do not use GTIN codes in their product identification. For these cases, companies will have to add the text "SEM GTIN" in the cEAN and cEANTrib fields for the NF-e to be authorized.

If the fields are left blank or with a numerical value of 0, the NF-e will be rejected.

What is a GTIN?

The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a unique code that allows all the trading partners of a company to identify their products and item communications easily. A GTIN code may be accompanied by a graphical representation: a barcode. To obtain a GTIN code and its corresponding barcode, you must apply for one from any GS1 association.

EDICOM, a Global Solution

Automate the exchange of all your transactions with your business partners, whether local or international, by integrating all your information systems on a centralized platform. 

EDICOM is an international provider of e-Invoicing solutions. We offer global solutions for data integration between companies through a single international e-Invoicing platform adapted to the technical and legal needs of the different countries in which our clients operate.

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