Electronic Invoicing

Brazil Makes Changes to the Electronic Fiscal Note

einvoicing brazil

The Brazilian tax authority (SEFAZ) has announced changes to the format of the NF-e electronic fiscal note, the document used for the sale or purchase of goods. The changes were made to improve the methods used to identify intermediaries.

Technical Note 2020 006 V1.0 introduces new fields and modifications to the electronic fiscal note validation rules that must be implemented by April 5, 2021. The changes are as follows:

New fields in the NF-e:

  • IndIntermed: Indicates intermediary/Marketplace
  • Payment information: Change made to the YA Group 
  • Transaction intermediary information: Includes YB Group

Changes to the NF-e validation rules:

  • Creation of validation rules B25c10, B23c-20
  • Creation of validation rules YA02-50
  • Creation of validation rules YA05-10
  • Creation of validation rules YB01-10, YB01-20 and YB02-10

These changes are made in addition to recent updates that introduced new electronic tax documents, new requirements for issuing electronic invoices, and new functionalities on the SEFAZ e-invoicing platform. 

Advantages of the Constantly Updated EDICOM Global e-Invoicing Solution

Tax authorities commonly introduce new developments to their electronic invoicing systems, adapting them to national objectives. Failure to comply with new technical or legal requirements may result in penalties for companies. Therefore, it is important to stay informed and implement the updates on time.

The new features being introduced to Brazil's billing system can be implemented without altering companies' operations thanks to solutions such as EDICOM's Global e-Invoicing Platform. It is adapted to the technical and legal specifications of each operating country.

EDICOM's electronic invoicing solutions are constantly updated in line with changing standards and regulations in the countries in which it operates.  Any modification to the technical or legal requirements is implemented immediately, providing full transparency to the client without affecting daily business activity.


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